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Tess’s stomach tightened even more. “I hadn’t really thought of a call to action.” What exactly did she hope to accomplish here tonight? “I guess I’d like everyone to be on the lookout. Maybe we could even set up some citizen patrols to monitor the herd so we can prevent this from happening to another horse.” Silas had mentioned a patrol after they’d visited the police station.

“That’s a great idea.” Kyra’s enthusiastic expression beamed encouragement. “I’m sure plenty of people would love to pitch in and help.”

Tess nodded while she watched Thatch and Silas file in through the door. When Silas made eye contact, she immediately looked at the table and picked up her margarita. “Where’s Aiden?” she asked Kyra.

Directing her gaze across the room to where Silas and Thatch were ordering a beer, her friend leaned in. “Something happened between him and Silas. I’m not sure what, but yesterday he came storming back into the house when he was supposed to be helping those two frame my new barn.”

Panic gripped Tess by the throat. “What happened?” He hadn’t found out she’d spent the night with Silas, had he? Oh dear God. That would be so bad. What would her brother think if he knew she’d fallen into bed with Jace’s best friend? “Why were they fighting?”

“I have no idea.” Her friend’s mouth pinched in frustration. “He wouldn’t tell me. He only said he didn’t want to be anywhere near Silas right now.”

That didn’t sound good. Tess unzipped her sweatshirt and slipped it off her shoulders, letting it hang on the seat behind her. She opened her mouth to ask more questions but thought better of it when she saw Thatch and Silas walking toward their table.

“Evening, ladies.” Thatch tipped his cowboy hat. Not surprisingly, his gaze lingered on Lyric much longer than it did on her and Kyra.

“Ready for the meeting?” Silas had focused on her.

Every time their eyes connected, heat clouded her face. “Um. Yeah. Sure.” She darted her gaze back to her margarita and took a sip. Was she looking at him too much? Not enough? Would others notice something awkward between them?

“Why isn’t Aiden with you?” Tess asked, pretending to study her phone.

“He’ll be here,” Thatch said quickly. “I think he was finishing up some paperwork at the office.”

Silas remained quiet but she noticed his frown. Another jolt of panic shot through her. He knew. Her brother knew. What else would get between those two? They were best friends. Always giving each other a hard time but only because they loved each other like brothers.

More people had started to arrive, some ordering drinks at the bar, others chatting at tables. But she couldn’t focus on the meeting until she knew what was up with her brother.

Tess stood up fast, the back of her knees hitting her chair. “Hey, Silas. Would you be able to help me out with something real quick?” She waved him away from the table to a quiet corner.

“You have nothing to worry about,” Silas assured her before she could say anything. “I know Kyra probably mentioned that your brother and I got into it yesterday, but the issue has nothing to do with us. Not that there is an us.” He exhaled as though frustrated. “Just don’t worry. He doesn’t know we spent the night together. I promise. He won’t ever know.”

“Okay. Good.” She breathed easier. “But then what’s going on? Why is he so mad at you?”

The cowboy’s expression tensed. “It’s not important. We can talk about it later. You should focus on the meeting, get everyone organized.”

“Right.” By now the restaurant was full. Almost every table had been occupied with familiar faces. What had she planned to say again?

“Tess, are you ready?” Minnie waved her to the front of the bar. “You can get started while we serve the drinks.”

“You’re coming with me, right?” She glanced at Silas. “I mean, you were there too. You saw what I saw. You helped get Legacy back to the ranch.”

“Sure. I can come with you. Lead the way.” He gestured for her to go first.

As they took their places in front of the bar, Aiden rushed into the café wearing a scowl. Though his expression seemed to soften when he sat down next to Kyra.

“You have the floor, my dear.” Minnie nudged her shoulder and the room quieted.

Inhaling deeply, Tess pictured Legacy, the beautiful horse that had been all bloodied and suffering when they’d found her. That was all it took to help her focus. “Okay. So. Um…” She clasped her hands in front of her waist. “Thank you all for being here tonight.” Too quiet. She was speaking too quietly. “We wanted to alert you all to the fact that the wild horses who’ve inhabited this land for generations are in danger,” she said louder. “When I was out riding the other morning, I heard gunshots and the herd came charging onto my land.”Take a breath. Let them process the information.

After a few beats of silence, she continued. “Later, Silas and I rode back up the mountain and discovered a mare with a gunshot wound to the head.” She paused again, taking in the concerned expressions around the room. “We were able to save her and she’s now recovering at the ranch, but we should all be concerned about someone targeting these beautiful animals. It’s our duty to protect them.”

“Yeah it is,” Aiden called out, giving her a supportive thumbs-up from the front row of tables.

Tess stood a little taller seeing all of the nods and smiles around the room.

But then Ford Leach stood up. The old rancher had grown up on the south side of town and always looked like someone peed in his morning coffee. “We all know the wild horses are overpopulated around here,” he grouched. “And as a rancher, Tess, you know how much we rely on those grasslands for our cattle. Hell, what’s one less wild horse if it means our cattle can eat?”

A few murmurs of agreement went around the room. They weren’t as loud as the supporters though.
