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While his friend finished up on the phone, Silas walked around, looking for any evidence of casings on the ground. Not that he’d be able to see much in the high grasses.

“Chief’ll be here in a few,” Thatch called. “I gave her our coordinates.”

Silas walked back to meet him. “I should’ve slowed down on that turn.”

His friend waved off the comment. “We would’ve lost them either way. They had the jump on us from the beginning. They didn’t want to get caught, that’s for sure.”

“I just hope they didn’t shoot any horses today.” Silas walked the area, doing his best to scan the woods, but the wild horses were nowhere to be seen. “They must’ve scared them all away with the gunshots.” He couldn’t help but wonder what that meant for Legacy. Would the horse be able to find her herd again when they finally turned her loose?

“It’s pretty reckless to be out shooting when you have no idea who’s nearby,” Thatch said, doing his own visual scan.

When Natalie rolled in a few minutes later, she cut the engine on her side-by-side vehicle and jumped out. “You two sure you’re okay?”

“We’re fine.” Silas picked up his helmet. “Any sign of the white UTV?” He’d heard Thatch giving her a description over the phone.

“Nope. Didn’t even hear them.” She walked around Tess’s UTV checking out the damage. “You can ride back with me. I’m sure whoever those guys are, they’re headed home now. They’re not gonna stick around after this.”

Silas would’ve liked them to stick around so he could have a word with them, but he would find them. He wouldn’t give up until he knew for damn certain that Tess and Morgan and Willow could ride up to the meadow without worrying about being shot. Hell, he’d delay leaving for his new assignment until this was settled.

They all climbed into the police UTV with Silas in the front seat while Thatch sat in the back. “You ever seen a white UTV with a purple stripe around town?” Silas asked the chief.

“Never.” Natalie slipped on her helmet. “That’s not the typical color choice for most people around here.” She started the engine and drove back through the high meadow at a much slower pace than he’d maintained during the chase.

“But they have to be locals if they’re back at it just over a week after shooting Legacy.” Thatch leaned forward over the seat. “It’s got to be the same guys.”

“I would agree.” The police chief maneuvered them through the trees with a methodical deliberation.

“So what’s the plan then?” Silas asked, checking his phone.

Natalie shrugged. “At this point there’s not much we can do but watch and wait.”

Perfect. The two things he sucked at the most.

“Tess or Morgan could’ve been hit by a stray bullet,” Silas reminded her. And if that had happened… well, he couldn’t even go there.

“I know.” The woman shifted into a lower gear. “Trust me. I’m every bit as pissed off as you are about this. But it’s not like I can go searching garages and barns all over the valley to find the UTV. Without a warrant, I can’t do anything.”

“I get it.” But that wouldn’t stop him from doing his own investigating and stopping them before someone got killed.

Rather than continue talking over the engine noise, Silas sent Tess a text to fill her in on what had happened and the state of her UTV.

She texted him back immediately.

So glad you’re okay! Don’t worry about the UTV. That’s what insurance is for.

Nice of her to say, but he still couldn’t help but feel like he’d let her down.

By the time they arrived back at the ranch, the sun had started to set. Silas climbed out of the UTV. “I’ll go talk to Tess,” he said, already heading for the house. He had to get a look at her, to make sure she was okay. He had to check on Morgan too.

Thatch simply smiled and saluted him before getting into his truck.

“Thanks,” Natalie called. “I’ll add everything into the report you two filed the other day. We’ll do our best to stay on top of this,” she promised before driving off.

So would he. Silas climbed the steps to Tess’s porch, his heart bouncing around in his chest.

She threw open the door mid-knock. “Are you sure you’re okay?” She stepped outside and closed the door behind her. “God, I was so worried. You should get checked out at the hospital or something. You never know about a head injury or internal bleeding or—”

“I’m fine,” he assured her. “Thatch and I both walked away without a scratch.” Only his pride was hurt. “How’s Morgan?” He’d likely never get the terror in the girl’s eyes out of his head.
