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“Mm-hmm,” was all she could manage in response. His tongue skimmed her skin, reaching all of her hypersensitive spots.

Tess slid off his lap so she could open the button fly of his jeans and Silas got to his feet, helping her push them down.

Good lord, the man knew how to wear a pair of boxer briefs. Last time they’d been together, she’d hardly noticed his body in her haste to get into bed, but now she looked him over, seeing the scars, the definition, the SEAL trident tattoo on his left pec. “You’re beautiful,” she told him. Battered but also beautiful.

Silas grabbed her hand and towed her to him, holding their bodies together. “And you, Tess, are exquisite.” Kissing his way down her abdomen, he hooked his fingers through her underwear and lowered them to the floor. As he stood back up, his hands roved, fingers grazing her inner thigh before stroking between her legs.

Her knees faltered, but she managed to stay standing and push his boxer briefs off his hips. Silas slipped on the condom and kissed her harder, filling her with more strength, more passion, as he backed her up against the wall. His hand trailed down her thigh again, and then his fingers found the spot that made her gasp and whimper.

He lifted her right knee, bringing her up against his hip and she looked into his eyes while she guided him into her, bringing their bodies fully together.

He closed his eyes, his chest rising and falling, and Tess kissed him, her lips pressing into his. With her hands on his low back, she urged him to move, to push deeper, to let himself get as lost as she was. Holding her tightly against him, Silas moved inside of her while she murmured how good it was,finallyto be with him again. Why had she waited? Why had she been hiding when he made her feel so good?

Everything in her lower abdomen tensed with unreleased pleasure and pressure. She moved her hips faster, finding the rhythm that would surely shatter all of her control.

Tess went over the edge first—she couldn’t stop herself, couldn’t hold back the flood any longer. The blinding sensations took her fully, quaking through her, and then Silas cried her name, tightening his hold on her while his body shuddered.

With a few stumbling steps, they both fell back to the bed out of breath, arms and legs entwined. Even with her body now a boneless heap, Tess managed to prop her head up so she could see into his eyes. Silas kissed her lips again, uttering a long, lazy sigh while his fingertips traced her arm. “I don’t deserve you,” he whispered.

Tess threaded their fingers together and held on to him. “You do. You deserve everything.”


Silas dragged the hose to Legacy’s trough and turned on the water.

On the other side of the fence, the horse paced and whinnied, already restless even though the sun had only just come up.

“I know.” He withdrew a carrot from the bag he’d brought outside with him and held it on his hand. For a few seconds the horse stopped her frantic footsteps, but after she’d eaten the carrot, she went right back to the pacing.

He hated to see her like that. All desperate and trapped. “We’re gonna get you home soon. I promise.” Now that another few days had passed, her wound was hardly visible. Tess had taken good care of the horse, but it was time to let Legacy go back to her herd. He shut off the water and then pounded the loose fence post he’d found earlier back into place.

Glancing around, he tried to gauge whether there was any more work to be done. He’d already opened the pasture fences for the cattle, checked all of the troughs, gone through the stable to feed the horses… damn, he was efficient this morning.

Normally he woke up and dragged himself out of bed, puttering in the kitchen of his small cabin while he made coffee and scrounged up something for breakfast. But he’d woken up this morning with Tess in his arms and energy he hadn’t felt in a long time. After quietly getting out of bed to let her sleep, he’d decided to take on all of her chores and check on Legacy.

And now he couldn’t wait to get back to the bedroom to surprise her.

Silas let himself into the pen once more and waited until the horse approached him. Legacy had gotten friendlier, and it didn’t take her long to come and nudge his shoulder. “All right. One more carrot. Then I have to go wake up Tess.” Hopefully she hadn’t gotten out of bed yet, because he had plans for the woman this morning.

He held out the carrot and the horse ate it eagerly. “Everything’ll be all right.” He ran his hand up and down her long nose. “A few more days and you’ll be running free again.” He and Tess could take Legacy back up to the high pasture together. Even though they’d all miss the horse, she wanted to go back to her life.

Not wanting to keep Tess waiting, he let himself out the gate and hoofed it back to the house, kicking off his boots inside the kitchen door. After a quick washup in the sink, he moved down the hall, pausing outside of Tess’s bedroom door to listen. Still pretty quiet in there. He inched it open slowly so the hinges wouldn’t creak and then walked to the bed.

The woman was gorgeous. Lying on her side with her curls draping over her lovely face.

Silas stripped off his dirty jeans and sweatshirt and climbed back into bed with her, slipping his arm around her.

She smiled before her body even stirred and then her eyelids fluttered open. “You,” she murmured with a teasing frown, “did not let me get much sleep last night.”

“Sorry about that.” He brought her knuckles to his lips. “You make it very difficult for a man to want to go to sleep.”

“Oh, I’m not complaining.” She yawned, stretching her bare arms up and over her head. “What time is it?” Her gaze landed on the clock on the bedside table. “Oh no!” The woman sat up straight. “It’s almost eight o’clock! I have to feed the horses!”

“Already done.” Silas pulled her back down to lie with him and smoothed his hand over her silky hair.

“I have to open the pasture gates and check the water troughs and make sure Legacy has enough food,” she said, making no attempt to move.

“Done, done, and done.” He kissed her lips. “You don’t have to worry about anything. This is one morning that you can relax in bed. I’ll take a shower and then I’m going to make you breakfast.”
