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“It sure is.” Silas held out the package. “Do you want to carry it inside?”

“Yes!” She snatched the offering out of his hands. “Mom,” she yelled, running back into the house ahead of him. “Silas brought me a present!”

“Isn’t that nice?” Tess met them inside the door, and Silas stepped toward her, ready to pull her into his arms before he remembered he couldn’t. Not in front of Willow.

“Uh. Hi.” He stepped back again. He’d have to admire her from afar. She always looked gorgeous but he loved her hair like this, pulled back loosely. And her eyes were as bright and happy as they had been when they’d spent the night together. He wasn’t sure how tonight should look with this new thing between them, but it would be a challenge for him to keep his distance.

“Hi.” She drew the word out, almost teasing him with her playful tone and smile.

“I’m going to put my first present by the fireplace,” Willow announced.

“Mom, I’m done tossing the salad,” Morgan called from the kitchen.

“Great, honey. Thanks for all of your help.” Tess’s eyes never left his.

“I could help too,” Silas offered. “Since I’m so early. You can put me to work.”

“Actually, there is something you can help me with in the garage.” Tess beckoned him through the kitchen and headed toward the laundry room.

“Hey, Morgan.” He gave her a high five as he passed.

“Hi, Silas. Look.” She pointed at the birthday cake on the counter. “I helped Mom make that.”

“Wow.” He admired the pink frosting and the white flowers. “It’s a work of art. And I bet it’s delicious too.”

“It is,” she confirmed with a grin. “I taste-tested the frosting.”

“Can’t wait to try it.” He followed Tess through the laundry room and they stepped into the garage, the door shutting behind them.

“What’d you need me to do?” He turned to her, and she pulled him close.

“Kiss me.”

“Sneaky.” Silas slid his hands around her waist. “You sure?” Like he’d be able to resist her. Once he started kissing her, it would be hard to stop.

“Please.” She pressed her body to his. “There’s so much going on with school winding down for the year. My calendar is filling up and all I can think about is when we can steal some time together alone before you leave.”

Every time he had to face the prospect of leaving her behind, he got this gut-wrenching pang. “We’ll find time,” he promised. “This weekend’ll be perfect.” With Aiden and Kyra taking the girls for a special overnight in Jackson, he and Tess would have a lot of time to just be together without any worries.

“I can’t wait.” She moved to her tiptoes but Silas took his time moving in for the kiss. He studied her eyes first, her lovely luminous eyes that were so open he could read her emotion. Then he looked down at her lips, which now smirked at him.

“I hate to be impatient,” she murmured. “But we’ll have a whole houseful of people here soon.”

“Right.” He slowly drew in a breath, committing the details of her face to memory. “I love you, Tess.” He needed her to know that. Even with everything that could stand in their way, even if she didn’t love him back. He loved her.

“I think I might love you too.” Tears made her eyes even brighter. “I think I might’ve loved you for a while.”

Silas touched her cheek, drawing her face to his. Something happened whenever his lips touched hers; a new energy took over. He willed her to sense everything that changed inside of him while their mouths found this perfect cadence, moving together, exploring, tasting. She had to feel the physical hunger she generated in him, but there was also this fierce yearning to give her everything, all of him, not holding back.

Tess kissed him with the same urgency, her chest sighing against his.

“We should probably get back inside,” he finally murmured when they both took a breath. As much as he’d like to believe they existed outside of time and reality right now, people would be waiting for them.

“Yes.” She kissed him once more and then took a second to smooth her hair back toward her ponytail before leading him into the house.

Aiden and Kyra were in the kitchen with Morgan and Willow, also admiring the cake.

“How’s everything in the garage?” Aiden directed the question at Silas with a deadpan stare.
