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“A baby!” Silas laughed, wrapping her up in his arms and spinning her around.

“Oh!” He set her feet back on the grass. “Oh no. Sorry. Are you okay? Is the baby okay?”

“We’re fine. You can pick me up anytime you want. Although that’ll likely get a lot harder in a few months.” She pulled his face to hers for a kiss. “You’re going to be a daddy again, Silas Beck. That’s three kids in less than a year.”

He let out a whoop and laughed again with tears running down his cheeks too. “I can’t believe this. This is the best news ever. We have to put an addition on the house. And buy a crib. And—”

“Whoa, cowboy.” Tess brought him back to her. “There’ll be time. We probably have at least eight months, but we’ll know more when we go to the doctor today.”

“Eight months. Okay. Eight months. We’re having a baby in eight months!” He swept her up into his arms again. “This is everything. You, our girls, our baby… this family is everything.”


I would like to thank Jess Oldham from the Wind River Wild Horse Sanctuary for not only educating me about their operation and the wild horses, but also for helping me understand the issues at play. Drawing from his knowledge and experience, I did my best to write an accurate portrayal of the wild horses, and any mistakes or misrepresentations are all mine. The Oldham family has dedicated themselves to caring for these majestic animals as well as educating the public through free access to their educational interpretative visitor center at the sanctuary. For those who are interested in learning more, please visit

I can honestly say I would not have finished this story without the love and support of my family and friends. To Will, AJ, and Kaleb, thank you for carrying me through. To my sister, Erin, and my brother, Kyle… what a blessing to have siblings who are also my closest friends. To my father-in-law, Keith, and my mother-in-law, Wanda, thank you for always being willing to jump in and help so I can find the space and time to work.

This story would also not have been possible without the dedication of the best team an author could ever hope for. From the editing—waving at you Amy Pierpont and Sam Brody—to the cover design to the copy edits and proofreading to the marketing, publicity, and sales teams, I truly work with the best in the business. Thank you all! Last but never least, I’d like to thank my agent, Suzie Townsend, and the team at New Leaf Literary for making my dreams come true.

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Sara Richardsongrew up chasing adventure in Colorado’s rugged mountains. She’s climbed to the top of a fourteen-thousand-foot peak at midnight, swum through class IV rapids, completed her wilderness first aid certification, and spent seven days at a time tromping through the wilderness with a thirty-pound backpack strapped to her shoulders.

Eventually Sara did the responsible thing and got an education in writing and journalism. After a brief stint in the corporate writing world, she stopped ignoring the voices in her head and started writing fiction. Now she uses her experience as a mountain adventure guide to write stories that incorporate adventure with romance. Sara lives and plays in the Upper Midwest, where she still indulges her adventurous spirit, with her saint of a husband and two young sons.

You can learn more at:

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Heart of the Rockies series

No Better Man

Something Like Love

One Christmas Wish(novella)

More Than a Feeling

Rocky Mountain Wedding(novella)

Rocky Mountain Riders series

Hometown Cowboy
