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Joe glanced up and smiled, the lines around his eyes crinkling. “Yeah, hey, have a seat.”

Devin closed the door and sat down. While Joe finished up what he was working on, Devin half smiled.

Joe was a good boss because he was one of them. He’d worked his way up the ranks from grunt to site supervisor over the last twenty-five years.

Didn’t make the sight of his giant frame squished behind a desk any less funny, though.

After a minute, Joe squinted and hammered the return key before straightening and turning to Devin. “James. Thanks for coming in.”

“No problem, boss.”

“I’ll cut to the chase. You’re probably wondering why I called you in here.”

Devin shifted his weight in his chair. He’d been so distracted by Bryce and then by watching Joe pretend he didn’t need reading glasses that he hadn’t given it that much thought. Business had been good, and Devin never missed a day. He hadn’t screwed anything up that he knew of. Which left only one thing.

Something he’d dismissed out of hand, even as he’d thrown his hat in the ring.


“You know Todd’s retiring at the end of the month.”

Devin nodded, his mouth going dry. He fought to keep his reaction—and his expectations—down. “Sorry to see him go.”

“We all are, but he’s earned it.” Joe let out a breath. Then he cocked a brow. “Big question of the day is who’s going to fill in for him as shift leader for your crew.”

“You made a decision.”

“Sure did.” Joe kept a straight face for all of a second. When his face split into a wide smile, Devin mentally pumped his fist. Joe extended his hand across the desk. “Congratulations.”

Devin didn’t waste any time. He shoved his hand into Joe’s with fireworks going off inside his chest.

Yes.Holy freaking hell, yes.

“I won’t let you down, sir.”

“Oh, believe me, I know it, or I woulda picked somebody else.”

As he pulled his hand back, Joe started talking about responsibilities and expectations, and Devin was definitely listening.

He was also mentally updating all the numbers in his budget.

He’d never really expected to get the job of shift leader. There were older guys who’d put their names in. Heck, Bryce could have gotten it, and then Devin would have been looking for another job entirely.

But he knew exactly how much his pay was going to go up by. Every cent of it could go into savings. Twenty-eight months would be more like fourteen. Maybe even twelve.

One year. One year until he’d have enough for the land and the materials.

He couldn’t wait to tell everybody. Drinks with his buddy Han would be on him tonight.

Arthur was going to be so proud.

Joe paused, narrowing his eyes at Devin and making him tap the brakes on his runaway thoughts. “It won’t be an easy job, Devin.”

Devin swallowed. “I’m up for the challenge.”

“You don’t have to convince me,” Joe repeated, holding his big hands up in front of his chest. He set them down on the desk and fixed Devin with a meaningful look. “Just. Stand your ground, okay? Do that and I have every confidence you’ll be fine.”

