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“Of course not.” Han blew out a breath. “It’s not even that I mind her living in the basement. It’s just—those guys are dirtbags.”

“Maybe dirtbags leave good tips.”

“It’s more than that,” Han insisted. “It’s like shelikesdirtbags. You remember all the losers she brought home in high school. And none of them lasted.”

“So she dated a few guys.” Devin stared at Han pointedly. “Mostpeople did.”

Han narrowed his eyes right back. “This is not about me. Or May.”

Han had been practically married to May Wu for the entirety of high school, and everybody knew it.

As Devin saw it, Han had never gotten over her, either. Just because he’d mated for life didn’t mean he should expect everybody else to.


“I didn’t go nuts on Lian, did I?”

Lian had also been a lot less of a wild child than Zoe growing up.

“I’m telling you,” Han insisted. “You know how Zoe and Mom would go at it. She’s always been rebellious. Mom says turn left and Zoe heads right. Mom says get a job in your field, and Zoe ends up waitressing in a bar.”

“In a job you got her.”

“Beside the point—I just wanted to get her out of the house, and Clay needed the help.” Han picked up a fry and pointed at Devin with it. “The guy thing is just a part of it. She’ll bring home anyone she thinks will piss Mom off.”

Was that it?

Devin fought not to squirm. If so, how far did it go? Their mom had her opinions, and yes, she and Zoe bumped heads about them. But was Han any different with his overprotective crap?

Would Zoe do something just to piss her brother off, too?

Suddenly, Zoe going all seductive temptress on Devin back at Harvest Home that afternoon took on a whole new light.

Something in his stomach churned. He’d known better than to act on her flirtations—for a whole host of reasons. But if she’d been doing it to get a rise out of Han?

Devin took a big gulp of his water to wash down the bitterness creeping into the back of his throat.

It didn’t matter. Han was Devin’s best friend. If he didn’t want anyone dating his little sister, Devin would respect that.

That didn’t stop him from asking one final question.

“So what if she brought home someone youdidlike? Someone with good intentions, a decent job. Treated her well.” Devin’s voice threatened to tick upward, but he wrestled it down. “What would you do then?”

Han chuckled. “Sure. That’ll be the day.”

“For real, though.”

“Look, I just want her to be happy. She brings home someone great, fine. But I don’t see it happening. She’s immature and messing with fire just to see if it’ll burn. I’m protecting her from douchebag guys at bars, sure. But I’m also protecting her from herself.”

“Who are you protecting from herself? Someone new?” Crap, where had Zoe come from? She set a fresh beer down in front of Devin. She snagged the other one off her tray and held it over the table like she was seriously considering throwing it in her brother’s face. “Or just me, like usual?”

Han reached out and grabbed the pint glass, but she pulled it away, keeping it out of his grasp.

“Way to prove how mature you are.” Han stood.

She set the glass down with a thud. Beer sloshed right to the edge, but it didn’t spill over. Clenching her jaw, she asked, “Anything else I can get you gentlemen?”

“Zo, don’t be like that.”
