Page 107 of Virtue

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Six Months Later

I feathermy fingertips over the small scar that is a reminder of the device that is keeping me alive.

“Will this set off any alarms at the airport?”

Gaines looks up from where he’s sitting on the couch. “Are you planning a trip?”

I shrug. “I like to plan ahead.”

He pats the spot next to him, summoning me to him. “If you could go anywhere in the world, where would that be?”

I settle in next to him. Tugging my bare legs to my chest. “It would need to be a warm place so you wouldn’t have to wear any clothes.”

He drops his phone on the coffee table and faces me. “Or you.”

I glance down. “I’m only wearing a bra and panties now, that’s close enough, right?”


He tugs one of the straps of my bra down my shoulder, trailing kisses along its path.

“We can’t fuck yet.”

His brows perk. “I gave you the all clear months ago, lamb. We’ve fucked how often since then?”

“I lost track.” I smile. “I would guess somewhere near a thousand times.”

His head falls back in laughter. “I’m not a machine.”

“Close, though.”

“Tell me why I can’t fuck my pretty little wife right now.”

I swoon. “Oh, you know I like that.”

“The part about me wanting to fuck you, or the part about you being my hot and very pretty little wife?”

I lift my left hand in the air to admire the diamond wedding band and matching engagement ring.

The ring was on my hand the day I was discharged from the hospital.

We made it official last month in a small ceremony at a venue called Howerton House.

The people we love were there including our shared family. Stevie and Saylor acted as flower girls in dresses I knit for them. Stevie wanted to wear the dress I made for her school dance, so with a few minor adjustments it became the perfect flower girl ensemble. It took no time at all to knit one for Saylor too. That little girl has come to view me as her sister, even though we’re not related by blood.

Astrid stood next to me and Berk took his place beside my husband.

My folks attended although their marriage is in a period of adjustment. Dax’s admission shook the Rehn family to its core,but we survived. It took some time for me to sit down with Daxton to listen to the reasons why he didn’t tell me he knew I was his sister immediately, but I’ve come to see that his journey is his alone.

Penny and I are closer than ever. When she marries my half-brother next summer, she’ll walk down the aisle in the dress I’m almost done knitting.

As for Lynton and Draco, my heart almost burst apart (in a good way) when I found out how deeply they love each other. Like Gaines and I, their journey to be together wasn’t a straight line, but they found their way back together, and they are happy in Buffalo.

Gaines reaches for my hand with his left hand. The cut of the diamond on his wedding band cuts a band of light into the air that bounces off the wall.

“You still haven’t told me why I can’t fuck you, Mrs. Morgan.”

I go for a change of subject because I love teasing him. “I heard you talking to Logan earlier. Is everything okay with him and Julissa?”
