Page 2 of Virtue

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“Daxton,” the same woman answers. “I don’t remember his last name. A friend of a friend set us up.”

I barely register what she’s saying before I begin chest compressions. Daxton doesn’t have a pulse, and he’s not breathing. There’s no fucking way he’s dying tonight.

“I need an AED!” I yell, searching the gathered faces for the restaurant’s manager. When I spot him, I ask the question that could save this guy’s life. “Do you have an AED?”

He rakes both hands through his hair. “A what?”

“An automated external defibrillator. I need it now! Now!”

“We have one!” he shouts before he pushes his way through the crowd.

“I’m the manager. Tony Colter.”The man who raced to get the AED pats me on the back. “You saved his life.”

I take the compliment in stride as I watch the EMTs wheel Daxton out to the waiting ambulance. I’d accompany them, but he’s stable and in good hands. I’ve already alerted my colleague, who is on duty tonight, to expect Daxton to arrive at the hospital shortly. I’ll make my way over there and check in on him, but my first stop will be the staff locker room so I can change clothes. The sticky pink shit that spilled on Daxton and the floor is seeping through my jeans.

“You can eat on the house for the rest of your life,” Tony blurts out, grateful that someone didn’t die in the middle of his dining room tonight.

Some people are assholes if they don’t get the service they want, regardless of whatever emergency might have delayed the arrival of their entrée. I imagine a few possible bad reviews flashed before his eyes as the guy on the floor lay there without a pulse.

“That’s not necessary.” I scoop my phone out of my back pocket again to read a quick text from the charge nurse in the emergency department. I alerted her to be ready for our incoming patient, too.

“At least tell me your name and address so I can send you a bottle of something worth drinking.” He laughs huskily. “Name your poison and your name while you’re at it.”

A few people near us laugh right along with him.

Good on them for finding humor in the remnants of what they just witnessed.

“No need.” I finally glance at him. “I was just doing my job.”

“I insist,” he presses. “It’s the least I can do.”

Since the least I could do was get Daxton’s heart beating again, I’d say we’re even. I need to get out of here and to the hospital, so I return the pat on the back. “Seriously, we’re good.”

“What’s your name, Doc?” Tony asks directly.

“It’s Dr. Morgan,” a soft feminine voice says from behind the manager. “Dr. Gaines Morgan. He’s a cardiologist.”

The sound of that voice sends a barrage of emotions through me.

I’ll never forget that voice.

She steps into view wearing a snug little black dress that favors her petite, curvy frame. Her brown hair falls in soft waves over her shoulders. She looks every inch as tempting as she did the night we met. The night I took her into a private room at the club I sometimes frequent. The night I kissed her roughly and fucked her with my fingers before she bit my bottom lip so hard she drew a drop of blood.

That’s when she dropped to her knees and made me forget my name along with the fake one I always use at the club.

“You’re him.” Her bluish-gray eyes dance under the lighting in this restaurant. “We haven’t officially met. I’m Eloise Rehn. My cousin, Astrid, married your cousin, Berk, a few months ago. I saw you at the wedding, but you rushed off to an emergency before we were introduced. I heard someone mention your name after you left.”

There it is — the twist of fate that has haunted me for months.

Sweet, not-so-innocent Eloise Rehn has no fucking idea that I’m the man she blew in that club. A man who realized far too late that she was too young to be in that club or to have her bee-stung lips wrapped around my cock that night a little over two years ago. It was two years and two months ago to be exact.

We were both wearing masks shielding a part of our faces since it was a requirement to gain entry to the private party that was taking place that night, but the taste of her lips, the scent of her skin, and the color of those eyes cemented a permanent spot in my memory when I took her into that room.

Now, I’ll never be able to forget how my real name sounds coming from her.


