Page 26 of Guarded Love

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It was over much too soon and not soon enough. “You sure there isn’t anything else I can wash for you?” I joked because one of us had to break the tension somehow.

She blew out a sigh. “You really can’t help yourself, can you?”

“You have no idea how strong I can be when I need to.” The last thing I wanted was to let go of her, but I had no choice once the water was off. “Wait here. Don’t move. You don’t want to fall again.” I stepped out of the stall to grab towels, slinging one around my waist before reaching into the stall and wrapping one around her.

“What are you doing?” She was smart enough not to wiggle in my arms once I picked her up.

“Am I the only one who wants to make sure you don’t hurt yourself?”

“I can—”

“Just because you can doesn’t mean you have to. How can I get that through your head?” I sat on the bed and settled her in my lap before using an extra towel on her hair.

“I can do it!” she protested, giggling, and I liked the sound, so I didn’t stop rubbing the water out of her hair even as she tried to swat my hands away.

“Then I’ll dry your body while you do your hair.” I only said it because I knew she’d flush and stammer. She was especially cute when she did that, and I couldn’t resist.

Mistake, mistake… this is a mistake.Amazing how I could ignore the nagging voice of reason in my head. I had a lot of practice in ignoring that annoying, know-it-all bastard.

She wiggled a little, ducking out from under the towel. Her hair was a wet, tangled mess, and her cheeks were pink. She had never looked so good to me.

Nothing ever had.

I couldn’t help it. There was no way to stop what was flying toward us. Or maybe we were rushing toward it, two people sitting side by side on a runaway train.

Neither of us was at the controls. We could only hang on.

Our eyes met in an electric clash, and the tension between us crackled like a live wire, causing her breath to hitch in her throat. As our gazes remained locked, a magnetic pull drew us closer. Her mouth, an irresistible temptation, beckoned me. I couldn't resist any longer, so I leaned in, accepting the invitation to savor the taste of her lips. They were as sweet and lush as I had vividly remembered, igniting a passionate flame between us that neither of us could deny.

Evelyn was addictive, leaving me no choice but to go back for more, again and again, nipping and licking. She wound my hair around her fingers, holding my head in place, demanding more. Practically knocking me back on the bed with the force of her desire.

I barely heard the soft ping of the elevator doors over the rush of blood in my ears and Evelyn’s needful groans. I was ready to dismiss it, too, until a female voice rang out. “Help has arrived! Where’s the patient?”

All at once, Evelyn broke the kiss, her eyes wide. “Shit.”

“Are you expecting someone?” Her head swung back and forth with eyes wide, and lips parted in surprise.

“Quick, put some clothes on!” She scrambled out of my lap and ended up awkwardly splayed out across the bed while I sat in stunned silence. Sure, it wasn’t a good idea for Barrett to find out I was making out with his sister, but we were both adults. It wasn’t like I had a deadly disease. Yet that’s how she acted. Like the idea of being caught in my lap was a fate worse than death.

“We’ve brought reinforcements!” Olivia and Pepper bounced into the room—then stopped dead in their tracks, bags and balloons in hand, gaping at what they’d found.

“Oh, hi.” Evelyn’s voice was too high-pitched, too sharp, while she tried to arrange herself so her pussy wasn’t hanging out from under the towel.

The girls exchanged a look before taking a backward step toward the door. “Sorry,” Pepper whispered while her eyes bounced back and forth between the two of us. “We didn’t mean to interrupt.”

“You’re not interrupting anything!” Evelyn insisted. “Magnus was helping me shower. I fell. He helped me.” Did she have any idea how ridiculous she sounded?

“Helping you, huh?” Olivia folded her arms, arching an eyebrow. “Was it the kind of thing he had to do with no clothes on?”

“Jealous?” I stood, folding my arms the way she folded hers.

“No, I can assure you.”

“I don’t see either of you going the extra mile.” Both girls gasped when I took the towel in my hands and began to open it. “Don’t worry, ladies.” I chuckled once it was clear I was still wearing my shorts. “I’m not taking advantage of the patient.”

Even if it seemed like she wanted me to. I side-glanced her, but by her rigid body language, she again had gone cold.

“That’s some pretty admirable service.” Pepper stared at me a beat longer than necessary while obviously trying to hide a grin. “Anyway, we figured you might need a little cheering up.”
