Page 18 of Cruel Lust

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“How did you know?” she asks once she’s out of the room and doesn’t have to look at the corpse anymore.

“It doesn’t matter. I need to get you out of here before I send somebody to clean the place up.”

“No. I want to know now.” She sways unsteadily, and instinct makes me reach for her before she jerks away. “Tell me. How did you know somebody came up here to shoot me?”

“Stop with the fucking questions.” I snarl, holding her gaze until she looks away. “Does it matter? You’re alive now, thanks to me.”

“I’m not leaving this apartment until you tell me the truth. What’s it going to be?” She folds her arms over her towel-covered chest. In all this excitement, I haven’t bothered admiring her body, but this is all it takes to get my cock to behave? The thought of what will happen if the Vitalis find out what went down before I get her out of here?

And to think, I was going to toy with her some more. I should shoot that bastard again for destroying my plans and speeding up the timeline. Some things can’t be helped. After drawing a deep breath, I drop the bombshell. “I’ve been watching you, Detective Washington.”

Her eyes go round, her lips pulling back from her teeth in a grimace before she recovers. “I don’t know what you’re talking about?”

White heat slashes through my veins at her lies. “You know damn well what I’m fucking talking about.” Taking her towel in my fist, I pull her close, looming over her shivering form. “And unless you want another four or five assholes coming up here to blow you away, you’re going to drop the attitude and do as I say. Now.”

All she does is dig her heels in, baring her teeth in a snarl. “I’m not going anywhere with you! You must be out of your goddamn mind.”

“Am I?” I ask, arching a brow. She gasps sharply when I yank the towel from her body, then again when I take a handful of her dripping hair and tilt her head back so we’re looking into each other’s eyes. “You walked into my club and tried to flirt your way into busting up my business. Which of us has lost our mind, Detective? Either you come with me, or you live the rest of your short life wishing you had. Because I’m not always going to be around to save your cute little ass the way I did this morning.”

A soft sigh eases its way from between her parted lips. “It was you. You stopped me.”

I nod, watching understanding dawn on her and soften her features. “Now. Put on some clothes before I change my mind and decide to keep you naked. I’m taking you somewhere safe.”

“But why?” she whispers. “Why would you do this? You know who I am, you know what—”

Cupping her jaw in my free hand, I press my fingers against her soft flesh until she grunts. “Because you and I have unfinished business, that’s why. And nobody is going to kill you before the score is settled.”

She shakes my hand away with a sudden snap of her head, her lip curling in disgust. “Fuck off. If you’re only going to kill me anyway—”

“I will kill you here and now if you don’t stop with the fucking questions unless you would rather I throw you over my shoulder and carry you naked out into the cold.” I let my gaze drift south, taking in her shivering body. “Maybe I’ll do that anyway. Give the neighbors a nice show. People need to see this.”

“You are a vile, disgusting pig.”

“Nice language, considering it could be your brains splattered on the walls and not some piece of shit assassin’s.” She sucks in a sharp breath, and I know I’ve gotten through to her for now. “Dress yourself. I won’t repeat myself again.”

I step into the hall and dial Vinny, who answers on the first ring. “Where have you been? We were—”

I cut him off with a grunt. “I need you at this address.” I rattle it off for him while staring at the corpse I created. “I have some garbage that needs to be taken out. This is between you and me only. Understood?”

“You got it.” That’s all it takes, and I know he’s on his way. He can redeem himself for his unforgivable fuck-up last Friday night.

I hear her in there, getting her shit together. The only reason I feel confident leaving her alone is my familiarity with her bedroom. “Let’s fucking go!” I bark out, and a soft whimper is her only reply, so I look into the room to find her sitting at the foot of the bed, running a hand under her nose, gesturing to the sneakers on the floor.

She’s managed to pull on a thick sweater and leggings, but that’s as far as she’s gotten. “I can’t bend down to put them on,” she sniffles, wet hair hanging in front of her face. “I took a pain pill before I got in the bath. I’m all clumsy.”

Fuck me. “Stop crying, for fuck’s sake,” I say sharply, my voice filled with exasperation. Bending down, I fix the socks she barely managed to get on her feet before jamming them into her shoes.

I’ve barely finished when there’s sudden pressure against my temple. Something small, hard. “You never found the one I keep under my mattress, asshole.” She snarls.

This duplicitous bitch—yet at the same time, my dick twitches like it’s sensed something of interest. “What do you think you’re going to do?” I question, staying completely still while she presses the muzzle to my skull. “You’re going to kill me? What happens when the next guy comes for you? And the one after that?”

Slowly, I raise my head, meeting a steely gaze that doesn’t soften under my stare. What a shame we’re natural enemies since this is a woman I could have fun with. “Because this doesn’t end with my murder, Detective,” I whisper, savoring her sharp breaths that quicken as I raise myself between her parted thighs. “In fact, you kill me now, and you may as well kiss your life goodbye. They will never stop coming for you.”

“Bullshit,” she hisses out.

I lean into the gun, then smile. “Come on, then. Go for it. Kill me and see whether it’s all bullshit.”

“Why?” she demands through clenched teeth, pressing the gun harder. “Tell me why.”
