Page 61 of On Icy Ground

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Chapter Twenty-Six


Why did I agree to no sex until we knew each other better? I know all I need to know. Reed Bauer is smoking hot and caring. I haven’t seen him in a few days, but we’ve texted during the day, and he’s called me after Caleb’s in bed. We did have dinner at his house one night with Harper and Logan. They wanted to have dinner early, so I squeezed in a few hours before picking Caleb up from daycare. Logan and Reed cooked shrimp scampi, and it was mouthwatering.

He requested to see photos of Caleb. As a result, I’m regularly sending him two or three pictures a day, along with details about where we were and what we were doing. He seems genuinely interested, consistently asking numerous questions. Now, I know his favorite food is fettuccini Alfredo, and his favorite vacation spot is Banff, Canada. He said it was one of the only places that he had seen that felt undisturbed. And he was quite the prankster as a kid. I’ve mainly seen the teasing sexual beast or the serious side of Reed until game night. Having that time together has been instrumental in our getting to know each other.

The hockey team plays two games this week. They have an away game tonight against Ohio State and a home game this Saturday. I want to go, but I know I can’t unless I steer clear of Reed until we tell my dad.

I sit through class today, looking up YouTube videos of Reed playing hockey. I still can’t believe my tattooed, misunderstood boyfriend went to boarding school with Harper and Hagan. In these videos from Banning Prep, he wears the same smile he has with me. But in the ones from Broadhurst U, his face is like stone, expressionless most of the time.

After watching Reed's games this year, I’ve observed that he plays hockey with a raw and intense attitude. Dad mentioned that Reed has faced numerous challenges in his life, although my father was unaware of my connection to his player at that time. Without disclosing any personal or confidential details, my dad's concern for Reed was evident by the tone of his voice. But why? What is Reed carrying on his broad, muscular shoulders?

I meticulously make a record of the dates and notice two years missing in Reed's hockey career. To clarify, I haven't come across any videos from his junior or senior year of high school. After his sophomore year at Banning Prep, this remarkable talent, whose appearance defies conventional standards of attractiveness, fell off the face of the earth.

He just has an aura. Even Logan and Hagan seem to stare at him. Reed’s stormy gray eyes make it hard to look away. He’s not dark complected but has a golden skin tone and add the tats and the eight pack. I can’t believe little me has caught his eye.

“Mommy, Mommy. Is that Gwandad’s team?”

I slam the computer closed like I was watching porn. “Yeah, baby. It was an old game from earlier this year, but they play in an hour. How about we get your bath done and when we finish, we’ll make some popcorn and watch the first period before bedtime.”

He jumps up and down. “Yay.”

After I wash his hair and his body, I give him his dinosaurs and let him play. I sit on the side of the tub, watching my precious little guy. I wonder if I should have given his father the opportunity to meet him and be in his life.Was Ioram Ibeing selfish?

My mind wanders to Reed’s response to the picture I sent of Caleb and me at Halloween this year. Even though Caleb loves dinosaurs, he wanted to be Lightning McQueen, and I was Sally. We made our costumes out of boxes. He wore a red sweatsuit underneath, and I wore blue.

Reed:You do know Lightning and Sally were romantically involved?

Me:Stop it.

Reed:But you can be my Sally. I’ll even buy a Corvette.

Me:I think he was a Mustang.

Reed:Nope. I grew up onCars. Definitely a Corvette.

Enamored with the gentle aspect of Reed's personality, he’s not what he appears to most people.

At first glance, he seems intimidating with his brooding and reserved personality. His tattoos further contribute to the perception of him as a "bad boy," and observing him playing games gives the impression he possesses the finesse of a figure skater, while also harboring an emotional intensity that would make one wary of crossing paths with him on the ice.

“Okay, it’s time for the game. Let’s get you dry.” I rub the towel over his head, and his waves spring tighter. I watch him towel himself off and look at the puddle on the ground as he steps off the bathmat.

We’re wearing our pajamas—Caleb in dinosaurs and me in my Cookie pjs. It just feels right since I’m going to watch Reed play. The popcorn is popped. The milk is poured, and my laptop is on the site streaming the hockey game.

“There’s Gwandad. He’s on TV.” Caleb leans his stomach on the kitchen table with his pudgy little fists under his chin, completely mesmerized by the game. I understand. Hockey is in his blood. Mine too.

I realize that Reed has been moved to the first line, and my heart leaps with excitement. They start the first period, and Reed skates with precision and determination. He’s talked about Flynn and Dawes, his linemates and friends.

He hasn’t told them about dating me. He knows they wouldn’t slip up intentionally, but he, no we, can’t afford anyone to know yet.

Reed’s line advances, and he passes the puck to Dawes. Dawes flicks it with a wrist shot to Flynn, and he launches it back out to Reed, and he makes a move on the defender and scores.

Caleb yells, “Goal.”

There’s only three minutes left in the period, so I let him finish watching. He’s jabbering, “hockeythisandhockey that” before we settle in his bed to snuggle. I read him three books as his lids get heavy. “I love you. You’re the bestest.”

“You’re the bestest, Mommy.”
