Page 18 of Brazen

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“Always a smartass.”

“Each and every time. Wouldn’t you be sad if I changed?”

“Absolutely.” I know she was asking a rhetorical question, but I had to answer. I like Eliot feisty and smart-mouthed. I know I give her a lot of grief for being the local law enforcement terror, but I like how complicated she is. Secretly. There’s no reason she needs to know that.

“So what trouble have you gotten into since I last saw you?” I tease.

“I have been perfectly angelic.” She picks up her purse.

“Why do I have a hard time believing that?” I follow her out her front door. We stop while she locks up.

“You just don’t know an angel when you see one.” I meet her golden eyes. She smirks.

“Don’t be so sure.” I know she’s joking, but I’m not. She takes my arm as we walk down the sidewalk toward the American Legion Hall where the pancakes await. There’s a small smile on her lips. One I think I put there. Suddenly, I feel ten feet tall.



“This is,without a doubt, the best thing ever created in the history of the world,” I tell Eliot between bites. Not only is it a dinner of pancakes, it’s an all-you-can-eat one. Why don’t more communities have fundraisers involving breakfast food? It’s a game changer.

“That might be a little overdramatic,” she answers. She hasn’t done much more than pick at her pancakes. I’m currently on my second helping.

“I don’t think so. No.” I stab a bite of sausage and stuff it in my mouth. Did I mention breakfast meat is included?

“I thought you were here to meet the public,” she smirks.

“You can stand a few more minutes eating pancakes with me.” She rolls her eyes. “Fine,” I say finally, pushing back my empty plate. “Let’s do this.” I stand, take our plates, and walk them to the trash. Eliot trails behind me. When I turn around, I almost run into her. “Jesus, woman.”

“I like to think so.” I laugh. She’s so damn quick-witted. It’s one of the many things I like about her.

“So, what’s the plan?” I ask.

“We’re going to work around the outside. That’s where most of the people here to visit will be located,” she says. “We’ll swing by the silent auction. You’ll bid on something that shows you’re a part of the community but not on the take.”

“On the take?” She gives me a side-eye, so I nod in agreement.

“Then we can get dessert and focus on the middle of the room.”

“Wait, there’s dessert?”

“Come on,” she says, wrapping her arm in mine. “Be a good boy, and you can have dessert later.” Now, say that while I have you pressed against the wall. Focus.

We head over to the drink table. She introduces me to several men lingering close by. We visit for a few minutes before moving on.

It takes us close to twenty minutes to find our way to the silent auction. Slowly, we move down the long set of tables looking at everything up for offer. There are the usual gift cards, baskets full of stuff, and local hunting trips.

But what catches my eye is a two-night stay at an upscale condo on Lake Austin. My brain heats at the idea of Eliot barely covered and basking in an infinity pool overlooking the lake. We could find something to eat, maybe check out the live music on Sixth Street first. It sounds like the perfect date night.

Now I just need to convince the perfect date. The one currently considering bidding on a Henry Lever Action Model X .45-70 hunting rifle. Fuck, she’s sexy.

Damn, it seems like I’m not the only one interested in the condo. The bid is already over two grand. That’s a lot on a deputy’s salary. Maybe the pie for a month is more my speed. It guarantees twelve pies whenever I want them. That and the bid is only at a hundred. Hmm, what else? Don’t need the six free babysitting nights.

“Did you donate anything, Eliot?”

“I always donate free accounting services,” she answers. Shit. I don’t think I need help balancing my checkbook.

“What would you suggest I bid on?”
