Page 24 of Brazen

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I’m over the kiss.Well, not over it exactly, but I’m less undone by it. I went to the office the next day and crunched the shit out of some numbers. Nothing like a good spreadsheet to tamp down those hormonal urges. Remember, if you ever develop a crush on someone you shouldn’t, run a profit and loss sheet for the local funeral home. That will sober you up in a hurry.

Tonight, I’ll have my body parts all over him. Not in a good way, though. It’s the first dance lesson, and I promised to go. I never back out of my promises. Even if those promises lead to disaster.

I’m positive he’ll walk away with several bruised toes and possibly a talus break. That’s the top bone in your foot. Yeah, I had to look it up too. I didn’t want to have to ask the emergency room doctor.

I have no idea what to wear to adult dance lessons. I’m guessing a pink leotard and tutu is not it though. Shame, I think I’d look pretty badass in those.

I decided a midcalf dress and low, chunky, closed-toed heels are more appropriate. I assume we’ll meet at the studio, but when I open the door to leave, Owen is standing outside with his fist up ready to knock.

“Hey,” I manage.

“Hey,” he answers. Good to see we’re on the same page. “You look nice.”

“You too.” He does. He’s freshly showered. He’s opted for navy slacks and a subtle striped button-down. He also has on a pair of dress shoes. “Oh, am I dressed okay? You know, for dancing. Tripping the light fantastic. Grinding out the forbidden dance.” Why do I keep bringing that up?

“I’m not sure about grinding, but you’re perfect for ballroom,” he answers with a laugh. “Did you want to drive or walk?” Everything in this town is a short walk away. If the weather is nice, I prefer to walk. It helps counterbalance sitting at a desk all day.

“Walk.” I pull the door closed. “So, should we talk about that kiss?” I ask as we start for the dance studio.

“Why? I wanted to kiss you so I did. If you don’t like it, let me know. Otherwise, I think people talk things out too much. I think it’s good sometimes to just go with your instinct and let the chips fall where they may. Did you enjoy it?” He looks down at me. I can feel a blush creeping up my face. Did I like it? Are The Dallas Cowboys America’s team? Freaking yes.

“I did,” I say instead.

“Then we’ve talked it out.” He nods and continues down the sidewalk. What’s scary is I completely agree with him. I’m not a person who thinks everything needs to be hyper-analyzed to death. “I’ll probably do it again too.” I grin stupidly as we turn the corner.

“Good to know. Thanks for the warning.”

“Like it says, I’m here to serve and protect.” He smiles at me. “Is there any other way I can serve you?”

I giggle. Like a schoolgirl. I’m throwing a disclaimer out here. I do not giggle. I didn’t when I was a girl; I don’t do it now. Except when gorgeous men offer their services, I guess. I keep giggling until Owen laughs.

“Too much?” he asks, and I start to laugh all over again.

We reach the dance studio still chuckling. Inside, there are at least a dozen couples signed up for the adult ballroom class, including both of my sisters and their significant others. Owen shakes hands with Reed, Rand, and most of the other men. They all look a little uncomfortable. There are a lot of excited women standing in a group though.

“Eliot.” They greet me like I’m Norm enteringCheers.


“You know half the town is jealous of all the attention you’re getting from the new meat in town,” Hailey says in a conspiratorial whisper.

I’m not worried about her. She married Chad Weston. I once nut-punched Chad for making moves on my sister. He’s kept his distance ever since. I was glad to see they had two kids though. It’s good to know I didn’t do too much damage to those gonads.

“I’m sure he’d tell a different story,” I respond. “And we should probably choose a different word than meat.”

“Oh, I don’t know. He keeps looking over at you,” Tina adds. “Also, you started the use of meat to describe guys.” She doesn’t worry me either. Her husband is the smoking-hot attorney in town. And at no time have I assaulted his man parts. Just to be clear.

I start to protest. Before I can, Mrs. Bradford sweeps into the room. She claps her hands, and we hurry to find our partner. She’s the same dance teacher I had when I was still rocking the tutu. Owen moves to stand next to me as she doles out instructions.

“Gentlemen, you’ll take your partner thusly,” she says. I’m going to have to start using the word “thusly” more. It’s a good one.

Before she finishes her demonstration on Reed, Owen takes my hand and pulls me snugly against him. One hand cradles mine perfectly; the other slides to my back bracing me expertly. Hmm, something tells me he’s not telling me everything.

“We’re going to start with a simple one-two step.” Poor Reed is stuck as her partner again. “One-two, one-two.” Owen moves me forward a few steps before he swirls me around the dance floor keeping perfect rhythm to the music Mrs. Bradford started.
