Page 58 of Brazen

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“Sorry. That wasn’t sexy at all.” Eliot laughs. My cock jerks inside her as she wiggles. If I don’t climb off now, neither one of us is getting any sleep tonight. I roll over on the bed to stare at the ceiling.

“Oh, I don’t know. It sounded perfect to me. Very Eliot-like.”

“Is that good or bad?” She rolls on her side until she’s sprawled on my chest. My hand begins making slow circles on her back.

“I hope you never change. I love you just the way you are.”

“Stop it,” she scolds, lightly slapping my chest. “It’ll piss me off if you make me cry.”

I laugh. It would have been impossible for me to pick out a woman meant for me more than Eliot. The humor most people call acerbic, I find funny. I’ve finally learned that all of the messes she’s been getting into aren’t a plea for attention. It’s just Eliot being Eliot.

“Did you get everything crossed off your list?”

“Almost. There are two left.”

“Let’s hear it.”

“I’m not sure you’ll be okay with one.”

My hand slides down to her ass. “Then maybe you had better convince me.”

“I’d be more than happy to try.” With a wicked grin, she swings her leg over me. She straddles my hips and grinds against my growing erection.

“Fine,” I moan. “I’m onboard.”

* * *

I should have my head examined. Damn her sexy body for convincing me to do this. It’s my first day off since she talked me into this. Tessa is spending the day with one of her friends. Having a girlfriend with a sister as the local librarian is priceless when it comes to Tessa’s friends. She knows who I can trust Tessa to without running background checks on their parents.

Eliot insisted I wear all black for what she has planned. I’ve tried pointing out that it’s still daylight outside, but she ignored me. So because I agreed to go along, I’m wearing black jeans, a black long-sleeved T-shirt, and black boots.

“Don’t forget, you’re aiming for Reed,” she whispers. I’m not sure why she’s whispering. Reed and Austen are nowhere in sight. But she’s assured me that it’s date night, which is why I’m hunkered down behind her car in the parking lot of Sam’s Steak Shack. My knees are starting to ache.

“I don’t understand what we’re doing exactly,” I admit.

“During senior week, the freshmen have a day they get to chalk bomb the seniors at the end of class. I was sick my freshman year, so I didn’t get to bomb anyone. Then my senior year, I was away at the U.I.L. state calculus competition, so I didn’t get bombed.”

“You competed in math at state?”

“I didn’t just compete. I won,” she answers.

“So damn sexy.”

She blushes for a moment before grabbing my arm. “There they are. Ready?” Probably not, but I nod. I’m not altogether positive this isn’t assault. “Now.”

We raise up and lob our chalk bombs at her sister and her fiancé. My bomb hits Reed square in the chest, exploding pink chalk all over the front of him. Austen gets hit in the side. She is covered in green chalk.

“Damn it, Eliot,” Reed yells. She’s already grabbed my hand, and we’re running down a side street. I can’t stop laughing. Neither can she. When we’re certain Reed isn’t chasing us down, we slide to a stop.

“Oh, my god, that was awesome,” she says. “Let me see where Brontë is.” She pulls out her phone and checks the friends’ app. “This says they’re at home. Come on.”

I have the bucket of bombs, so we decide to leave Eliot’s car in the parking lot and walk. She makes me wait down the block while she does reconnaissance.

Hopefully, no one looks out their front windows. Standing aimlessly dressed in black is certain to send off warning bells. At least it’s starting to grow dark. It’s not long before she comes stalking back to me.

“They’re in the backyard. We can cut through the neighbor’s yard to surprise them.”

“The neighbors won’t mind?”
