Page 62 of Brazen

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My gaze runs down to his toes before roaming slowly back up to the smirk on his beautiful face. He’s told me he never gets tired of my mentally undressing him. It’s a good thing because I don’t think I could stop even if I wanted to. And who would want to? The man is one rippling muscle after another.

“Something comfortable and warm,” he says.

“What?” What were we talking about? I hear a deep chuckle.

“Shoes. Comfortable. Warm.”

“Oh, yeah. Shame on you for muddling my thoughts with all this manhood,” I chastise, doing a weird wave thing with my hands. If I’m being truthful, I want to rip that towel off and trace every inch of him with my tongue. “You know, we could just stay here.”

“We could,” he rumbles softly. “But we’re not going to.”

“No?” I ask, my fist wrapping in the front of the towel.

“No.” He steps closer to me so there’s barely an inch separating us. He leans over until his lips brush my ear. “It’s your birthday. I’m taking you out to dinner. Maybe we’ll do some dancing.” His breath tickles my ear, making my body tingle.

“Then I’ll bring you home. Strip every inch of these clothes off. Spread you on our bed. Eat you out until you beg me for release.” I let out an uncontrollable gasp. I feel him smile against my ear. “Then I’ll flip you over, tie you up, and do very wicked things to you all night.” He steps back.

“Yes,” I say finally. My voice is already hoarse from want. “That.” I slap my open palm against his chest. For the life of me, I can’t think of anything else to say.

“That,” he agrees before moving to the closet. “Any other thoughts you’d like to convey about what your evening holds in store?”

“No. I think you covered everything. Very succinct.”

“Good. I wouldn’t want you to be confused by anything.” He steps out of the walk-in closet wearing a pair of dark-blue jeans. The button-down shirt he’s pushing his arms through will highlight his chocolate eyes perfectly. “You about ready?”

“Mmhm,” I answer, pulling on a pair of boots. “Wouldn’t miss it for the world.”



I can’t believehow nervous I am. I might be talking a good game, but I’m squirming inside. Everything has to be perfect tonight. Eliot deserves a birthday she’ll never forget. I’ve been working on providing one for a while. You have no idea how hard it is to resist her offer to stay home and get naked.

“You look beautiful in case I haven’t told you,” I say as I help her with her jacket.

“Thank you. You clean up pretty good yourself.” Opening the front door, I let her step through. “What the fudgebucket?” Eliot freezes in her tracks at her ride sitting in front of the house.

I couldn’t exactly take her out in the sheriff’s cruiser. And who wants to take their own car on a date? So I talked the banker into lending me his classic Mustang.

Eliot takes a step near it and then looks over her shoulder at me.

“Carter lent it to me,” I say.

“I’m glad I didn’t chalk bomb Carter then.”

Carter’s sister Cam tends to sell his cars out from under him. He buys a classic wreck; she fixes it up. Then she sells it, and they find the next one. I was lucky his current project was finished and still available. I open the passenger door, extending one arm to usher Eliot inside.

“I feel so swanky,” she drawls. I settle her inside and walk to the driver’s door. When we’re both seated, I pull out a blindfold.

“How adventurous are you feeling?” I ask, waving the blindfold. “I want tonight to be a surprise.”

Her eyes narrow. Finally, she sighs. “Fine.” I tie the blindfold around her head, making sure it’s secure. “If this is just a trip to Sam’s for a steak, it’s going to be kind of anticlimactic.”

“No Sam’s. I promise.” I fire up the engine and pull away from the curb.

This car doesn’t just sound badass; it flies like the wind. I couldn’t resist taking it for a cruise after picking it up from Carter. Soon, we’re heading out of town. It’s not a far drive, but I can’t help but open this baby up anyway. I pull off the main road shortly. Slowly, we bump down to the river. I stop on the shoulder in a dirt patch.

“Stay tight. I’ll come get you.” I climb out of the driver’s side. Eliot waits until I help her out of her side. Wrapping an arm around her, I lead her down a trail worn down from generations of feet. Finally, we come to a standstill. I move her in front of me.
