Page 63 of Brazen

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“Is this where they’ll find my body?” she teases.

“Don’t be silly. You know I’d move your body somewhere else. I’m not that much of an amateur.” She laughs as I remove her blindfold. It’s pitch black around us. “Do you remember how we first met?”

“Of course. You don’t forget shooting the sheriff with a firecracker.”

“I didn’t know at the time that you were working your way through a list of things you wanted to do before turning the ripe old age of thirty. You said you did everything on the list but one. Do you remember what was left?”

“Yeah, but it’s hard to have a party by yourself. You need a whole cadre of people.”

“Like this?” With a grin, I snap my fingers. This had better work.

I shouldn’t have worried. Like clockwork, Reed hits a switch in the dark. The beach is flooded with lights. At least fifty people scream, “Happy birthday!” There are food tables laden with everything anyone could want. A fire is lit in the giant firepit. There are chairs, blankets, coolers full of drinks, and music pumping.

“What?” Eliot’s eyes grow wide. Her hands cover her mouth in shock. She spins around to gape at me.

“Happy birthday,” I manage to get out right before she throws herself in my arms.

“Best boyfriend ever!” she yells in my ear. We’re quickly swamped by people all wanting to hug Eliot. She’s laughing and crying as classmates, family, and friends clamor for her attention.

“Nice play, fuzz,” Reed says, slapping a beer against my stomach.

“Man, I can’t thank you enough for helping me with this,” I answer.

“Are you kidding? You’re looking at my grumpy best friend hugging people with wild abandon. I would have paid money to be part of this.”

“I think we really surprised her, Uncle Owen,” my niece says, bouncing up to me. She didn’t have a school trip. She spent the day helping Austen and Brontë with the party. The little blonde middle school playboy is standing behind her, looking like he might piss in his pants. “Colton wants to meet you.”

“Mr. Steele.” He offers his hand. I shake it with a scowl. “Thank you for letting me come.”


“Come on, Colton. I’m starving.” Tessa drags him toward the food table. Okay, the kid isn’t so bad. He has manners, but there’s no way I’m letting him get the impression I won’t axe murder him and bury his body so deep no one will find him if he makes a move on my niece.

“That boy doesn’t stand a chance, does he?” Rand asks, walking up.

“We’ll see,” I answer. Hey, it’s a start.

“Brontë sent me over to get you. They want Eliot to cut the cake, but she won’t do it without you there.” He walks back through the crowd with Reed and I following.

I had the cake custom-made by Batter-Y-Operated in town. I don’t know what is with this town and its sexual innuendo-named businesses. Anyway, it’s actually two cakes. One is a three, the other a zero. Get it? It’s also covered in candles.

“Thank God, life can continue now,” Brontë quips when I step up to the table. “Are we ready?” she shouts. “One. Two. Three.” She begins a robust rendition of “Happy Birthday.”

When we reach the end, Eliot takes a giant breath. Then she blows the candles out. She has a grin from ear to ear. That makes it all worthwhile.

“Who wants cake?” Austen yells. I back away from the table as it’s swarmed. My belly is telling me it needs something from the bar-b-que trailer anyway. It turns out the local FFA teacher cooks a mean brisket. I’m in line when arms wrap around me from behind. I pull Eliot in front of me.

“Hey,” I say.

“Hey yourself.”

“Having a good birthday?”

“The best,” she answers. “You see, I have this guy that chased me all over town until he finally caught me. Now he spoils me rotten by throwing elaborate surprise birthday parties.”

“Mmm. Sounds like a lucky guy.” She grins up at me. I pull her in for a kiss. A flash goes off in our faces, breaking us apart.

“That one’s a keeper,” Tessa yells and runs off with Colton in pursuit.
