Page 85 of Out of Nowhere

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“Billie, we’re not having that talk again. You’re not telling me what you think I want. I know exactly what I want.”

His eyes seared me with their heat. There was something different, something almost unhinged in his stare.

I took a deep breath, bracing myself for what was about to come, knowing if his kiss was anything like what his eyes were doing to me, I’d be lost.

He wrapped his arm around my back, pressing his fingers against my spine as he pulled me flush to his chest. My toes barely grazed the ground. His mouth crashed into mine with a vengeance, as if he were trying to prove his need was real.

The craving to taste him had been growing so strong that I wasn’t sure I’d be able to stop him either way. He hoisted me up, his hands wrapped around either thigh, pulling my legs around him.

I didn’t care what tomorrow brought. We had death staring at us from the horizon, and I was tired of not grasping today for everything it had when it might be all I’d get.

We hit the bed, and I tugged his shirt off while he shed everything else. He thrust into me.

The need that had already been intense became unquenchable. Every part of me felt connected to him, every cell attuned to him. His hands moved against my flesh as if he couldn’t get enough, cupping my breasts, my ass. We came together as if we’d been lovers for eternity, born to be with each other.

I exploded against him, riding on wave after wave of ecstasy, and he thrust even harder and joined me.

I collapsed, feeling limp, my heartbeat slowly coming back to normal. Reality setting in. How long would I have him for? Could I keep going like this until we were either dead or he came to his senses and realized he didn’t truly want me?

I turned to my side. Nothing about it was good. All it did was make me want to pretend we were something more than we were.

“What is it?” he asked.

We’d been faking a relationship so much that he was beginning to even sound like we were really together in private. As if he were really my mate, sensing something was off with me.

“Doesn’t this bother you? That we’re living a lie?”

“I don’t view it as living a lie.” He slowly ran his hand up and down my hip.

“How can you not?”

“We’re mated, are we not?” he asked softly, dipping his head to kiss my shoulder.

“Yes. We’re mated—for now, anyway.”

“That’s up for debate, since we haven’t found anyone who can undo it. But we both agree that our current status is mated. And whatever the cause, there’s no denying that we’re attracted to each other.” His hand moved upward, over my waist, and then pressed on my stomach as he pulled me flush to his front.

“Yes. We’re attracted to each other, but not because we’re supposed to be.”

“What are the rules for when you’re supposed to be? Does it feel different? Because I can’t tell.” His lips found my ear as his arousal became obvious.

“You didn’twantto be mated to me, and that’s the difference.” I was trying to keep my head, think logical, even as his hand dipped lower.

“I’m the one who marked you. Maybe I did want to be mated?”

“No, you didn’t. You were—”

“Billie, you’re telling me how I feel again,” he said.

“We’re acting like we’re planning on being together.”

He pulled back and, with the soberest expression, said, “I’m not sure I’m acting anything. I think I’m accepting that we are together, so why not embrace the good parts?”

The good parts? So if he was stuck with me, he might as well bang me? Have a little fun? Use me for whatever he could get out of the situation?

Yes, that was what I’d always wanted to hear from a man I’d just slept with. He was accepting his fate, taking the goodie bag that was offered at the party he’d never wanted to attend.

I pulled a little farther away, turning on my side.
