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Groza and Duncan put out some platters of meat and side dishes, family style, in the center. I’d been prepared to not eat at all, convinced that Groza would use the opportunity to do away with me if at all possible. I still wasn’t totally sure she wouldn’t be willing to kill half of us to get rid of me, and I waited until she started eating before I took a bite. It wasn’t like I had an appetite anyway.

“I’m glad we’re all here,” Maddocks said, nodding toward Groza and Duncan. “I appreciate your hosting us.”

I’d never gotten so far as to imagine hosting parties with Duncan, but sitting here as a guest with his mate? It stung like I’d stumbled into a wasp’s nest. Not knowing it was coming didn’t make it any less excruciating.

“Of course,” Groza said, sounding a little more natural, as if my unease was soothing hers. “Hopefully some of the other packs will be able to join us next time. We all need to stick together during this time, especially since we have no idea what’s coming our way.”

Kicks shifted, leaning back and slinging his arm along the back of my chair. “I went past that clinic you raided. Wasn’t much left of it to go through. Did you find anything of interest there?”

I wasn’t sure Duncan heard anything. All he seemed to be aware of was Kicks’ arm behind me.

“No. Nothing,” Groza said. She shrugged, but it wasn’t fluid. It was like there was cement setting in her veins, stiffening up every move.

“Well, if you don’t mind, I’m going to swing by and check it out on my way back to Arkansas. Since Pips has already been there, it might help if she went back with us to search around a bit more.”

Wait. Huh? Why would I be there? I was about to ask him what the hell he was talking about when Duncan interjected first.

“She’s not going anywhere with you,” he said. There was a jerking motion, as if he’d been about to get to his feet but restrained himself at the last second. Or maybe Groza had?

“She’s a guide. She can go wherever she wants. Or did the rules change?” Kicks said. He made no effort to hide his challenge behind smooth wording this time.

I was beginning to get a hunch where Kicks’ name came from. Part of me wanted to kick him under the table and tell him to stop being a troublemaker. The other part reveled in someone telling Duncan he had no say in what I could do. It kept my boots flat on the floor.

“The pack wants herhere,” Duncan said.

“Yes, I’m sure thepackdoes, but the ultimate decision isn’t the pack’s. It’s hers,” Kicks said.

He was looking at Duncan with the most hostility I’d seen from him yet. Typically he was like a smooth, windless lake. Today I could see the stirrings of the creature who dwelled beneath.

Groza laid a hand on Duncan’s arm, as if reminding him he had a mate. It had the desired effect, as he turned toward her, giving a slight nod. I took it for what it was: an apology.

She returned the nod, but neither of them looked like they meant it. A break away from here wasn’t the worst idea. I didn’tneed to be in the middle of their relationship, where I kept somehow getting inserted. If it wasn’t for Charlie, I would’ve been gone months ago. But I did have him to think about.

“I think Piper should be able to explore her options,” Groza said. “It’s only fair.”

“I’m glad you agree,” Kicks said.

I was going to have to put my foot down with him. I was just about done with being used as his ammo against Duncan. But I’d give him this last round. I’d straighten him out later.

It seemed like things were settling down somewhat. I had to make a concerted effort to ignore Duncan’sI’m going to kill youstares directed at Kicks, but other than that, no one looked like they were about to lunge over the table.

I was looking at the clock on the mantel, wondering if it was time for my headache to set in, when Kicks took a sip of his wine and leaned back a bit. There was something in his movements that reminded me of a sniper about to shoot another round.

“Was the ceremony performed yet? Because the word going around is that it hasn’t,” Kicks said.

My mind immediately went to Duncan and Groza, and whatever they would do for their mating ceremony. I hadn’t heard anything about it, but I hardly expected to be invited. Except they didn’t answer, and slowly everyone’s gaze settled on me—not them.

I looked at the not-so-happy couple and back to Kicks. “You mean them, right?”

“No. I mean you. The initiation ceremony for spiritual guide.” He sounded slightly gruffer than normal, as if having to tell me was like taking a wood file and running it over his rug burn.

I glanced around the table, but no one was talking.

“Not only has it not been done, but no one here even informed her about it?” Kicks said, glaring at both Groza and Duncan.

Even Maddocks was making faces now. What was going on here? What were they hiding from me?

I looked at Kicks, pretty sure he was the only one who was going to give me any answers. That was scary, since he was the one who liked to play games the most. “What exactly is this ceremony you’re talking about?”
