Page 73 of Kindled Hearts

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I brought my gaze back to Lark. “Fine,” I said stiffly. “Then I’ll stay here.”

Lark’s eyes brightened. “Really? You’d do that?”

I pulled her close against me. “I always have your back.”

Lark circled an arm around my waist. “Thank you,” she whispered.

Xander cleared his throat. “Well, now that that’s settled, I should get this evidence back and hopefully we can have some answers soon.” His eyes met mine. “Wanna walk me out, Reid?”

I hesitated but nodded. “Yeah, sure.”

Xander waved goodbye to the Meadows women, and I reluctantly uncurled my arms from around Lark. She looked up at me, a twinge of fear in her expression.

I pressed a kiss to her temple. “I’ll be right back,” I promised.

She nodded.

I walked Xander to the door in silence.

The moment we stepped out onto the front porch and closed the door, he turned to me. “You’re sure you’ve got this under control?” He didn’t sound accusatory, and his expression was soft and genuine.

“I got this. I’ll be keeping a close eye on everything here.”

Xander bobbed his chin. “Good. Is there anything else at all I should know?”

My gaze drifted off as I thought about that. He had questioned Lark fairly thoroughly about the situation, but there was something else.

“Lark has been starting to remember some things,” I said, eyes snapping back to him.

Xander stilled. “What kinds of things?”

“From that night, the night of the murders.”

His face remained stoic, his brows only moving a fraction upward. “What exactly is she remembering?”

“She saw the murderer that night. At the time, she couldn’t recall anything about him, but she’s slowly beginning to remember him.”

His eyes widened. Xander had been affected that night, too. I’d been so much of a mess back then, but so had he. He had been dating my sister and was a wreck after she died.

“That would be…helpful. If we had some sort of description of this bastard, it would give us a starting point at the very least.”

“She doesn’t have much yet, but there’s potential for her to remember more.”

Xander glanced at the closed door, and then back at me. “You two look like you’re getting…close.” His tone shifted, like he was suggesting something.

Heat crept up my neck, though I didn’t know why. This thing between us was so new…so damn special, but it was also so fragile. I was afraid it might break if anyone got curious enough to push up against the glass.

“I guess so. Lark is…” I hesitated. How did you explain that someone was suddenly your everything?

Xander’s lips spread into a knowing grin. He clapped me on the shoulder. “Damn, man, you’re in deep with her, aren’t you?”

I could only nod once.

His grin widened. “Are you in love with her?”

“I am.” There was no doubt in my voice.

Xander’s hand squeezed my shoulder. “I’m happy for you, man.”
