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Not that he’d ever bathed a baby before, but this was his child, his son, and he could learn.

With a nod, she took the baby into her bedroom where there was a changing table set up alongside a crib. She laid the infant on the mattress and gazed down at him, smiling. “How was your day, sweetie? Did you learn anything new?”

The baby kicked his feet and grinned up at her. He blew bubbles from his mouth. It was the cutest damn thing he’d ever seen and his heart swelled with love and pride. This was his son. Their child.

How much of his child’s life had he already missed?

She began to remove his shirt. Glancing at Blake, she frowned. “If you’re going to help stay right here with him while I get his bath ready. Don’t walk away. He’s rolling over and he could easily fall off.”

Did she think he was an idiot? Well, maybe that was up for consideration, but even he knew better than to walk away from an infant.

The baby gazed up at him and he couldn’t help but notice that his son had the stunning Landry blue eyes. He smiled at him and Blake’s heart melted. Reaching down, he picked up the infant and held him against his chest. His sweet baby smell filled his nostrils and tears filled his eyes.

His son. Looking down at him, he thought the baby had his father’s strong jawline and his mother’s dark hair. There was no need for DNA testing; this was his son. They looked a lot alike.

Cristina walked back into the bedroom and stopped in the doorway gazing at them. He could see the emotion on her face.

“The water is ready,” she said. “Take his diaper off and bring him into the bathroom.”

Laying him on the table, he reached for the tape on the sides of his diaper. Just as he pulled it off, the baby started to pee.

“Oh, shit,” he said trying to dodge the spray.

The baby reached for his toes and giggled.

With a chuckle, he glanced down at him. “You did that on purpose. That’s okay, just wait until you’re sixteen and you bring a date home. I’m going to tell her how the first time we met, you peed on me.”

When he was finished, he picked up the baby, carrying him with his back to Blake’s stomach, his little tinkler facing forward.

“He peed on me,” he said handing the child to Cristina.

She chuckled. “Won’t be the last time either. I’ve had more pee sprayed in my face than I care to think about.”

She laid him in the baby bathtub and cupped handfuls of water over him. “You like this, don’t you?”

The baby cooed at his mother and Blake’s heart filled with a warmth he’d never thought possible. He was a father. A dad. And yet there were so many complications.

Worst of all, he’d missed part of his son’s life. His birth, seeing him change from a tiny baby to who he was now. But no more. He was not going to miss another day, if he could help it.

“Hand me the baby shampoo,” she said.

Leaning down, he picked up the bottle and gave it to her. She gently rubbed the soap on the few sprigs of hair on his head. They were dark.

“He has my mother’s hair color,” he said gazing at him.

Cristina glanced at him. “And your eyes.”

“Yes, that was obvious. He has the Landry blue eyes,” he said.

Oh, how he wished his mother were here now to see her first grandson. How she would have loved this child.

Cristina rubbed soap over Wyatt and he cooed at her the entire time. When she was finished rinsing him off, she reached for a towel and held it out to Blake.

“I’ll hand him to you and then take him to the changing table and dry him off. But don’t lay him down in pee. He’s clean.”

Like he would do that. Even he knew better than to lay a child in stinky pee.

Blake took the child from her and wrapped the towel around Wyatt. Walking into the bedroom, he realized that she kept his bed in her own room. They lived in a one-bedroom apartment. No, his son was not going to live in poverty. This was going to change.
