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“We live almost a hundred miles apart. All you have to do is call me and tell me when you’re going to be in town and I’ll let you see him. But no overnights. You’re not taking my son away from me.”

“You’re his mother. I would never take our son away from you,” he said. “All I want is time with him.”

Staring at him, she nodded. He could see she was tired.

“Do you have to work tomorrow?”

“No,” she said. “I’m off until Monday.”

“Good,” he said, rising, thinking he wanted to call Madison and tell her he needed her advice. He needed some time to think. Some time to figure out how to win Cristina over.

“Can I come over in the morning? I could take you two out to breakfast,” he said.

A frown drew the corners of her lips down. “Only if we go over to the next town. I don’t need my mother learning who you are or that you’re Wyatt’s father. If you think you had someone trying to take your money before, my mother would be planning the wedding.”

He kind of liked the idea of her mother. Maybe he should contact her. He could find out if she was the one who sent the letter.

Standing, she walked him to the door. “We had one night together. We created a beautiful little boy and now I’m going to do my damnedest to raise him right without your help.”

Oh, that wasn’t happening. But maybe he should keep his thoughts to himself. Let her adjust to the fact that he was now going to be very involved. He’d gotten to spend maybe an hour with his son, but he planned on spending a lot more time with him.

She lived in a crappy one-bedroom apartment and her car looked like it could break down at any moment. Tomorrow he would buy her a new car. His son didn’t need to experience being stranded on a freeway in Dallas.

Maybe she didn’t want his cash, but his son deserved better.

“All right,” he said. “I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”

Turning, he felt this incessant need to kiss her good-bye, but instead, settled for taking her hand. “Our son is so damn handsome. And already I can see his mischievous personality peeking through. You did a great job.”

Tears welled in her eyes. “Thank you, Blake. Goodnight.”

She shut the door on him and he walked away feeling almost chipper. He had a son, and if he had his way, he’d soon have a wife.

Oh, Cristina didn’t know what was about to happen.


Whenever she was trying to get Wyatt to bed, she turned her phone to vibrate and it had been going off like crazy while Blake was here. Running back inside, she picked it up and there were five calls from Lauren.

Quickly she dialed the number.

“Is he there?” Lauren asked when she picked up the phone.

“No, he just left. Someone sent him a letter telling him he had a child that someone was trying to keep from him.”

With a sigh, Cristina sank down onto the couch. What a day.

“He was on my flight from Charlottesville, Virginia, today, returning to Dallas. He visited every girl he’d slept with that wasn’t married.”

Lauren laughed. “I bet that was awkward.”

“And then on the way home from Charlottesville, I just happened to be on his plane. Thank God, I wasn’t in first class where he was sitting.”

“How did he take the news?”

“I did my best to keep him from finding out about Wyatt, but while I went to pick him up from my mother’s, Blake came over to the apartment and waited in the parking lot. I didn’t see him until it was too late,” she said thinking back to that moment when he stepped up to her car. “I’m so worried, Lauren. What if he tries to take the baby from me.”

“That’s not going to happen,” she said. “But how did the person who sent the letter know Wyatt was his son?”
