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“You’re right,” she said thinking maybe she could find some kid fresh out of law school. Someone who would agree to a payment plan.

Once again, she’d have to find someplace to cut in her budget. But her son would not be deprived of anything because Blake would take him away if she couldn’t pay. And that was not going to happen.

“Thanks for listening to me, Lauren. And I’m so glad you didn’t tell anyone,” she said.

“Not my place to tell who Wyatt’s father is. You know that little boy means the world to me and I just hope he’s not the one who suffers because of his parents.”

He wouldn’t suffer because of Cristina. If she had anything to do with it, her son would have a good life, though they would not be rich.

“Love you, girl,” she told her and hung up the phone.

Tonight, she didn’t have the strength to tackle her mother. That would have to wait until tomorrow. Right now she needed to get some rest and let her mind think about what she was going to do with Blake.

Why couldn’t he be a deadbeat dad like so many others? No, she would be so disappointed if he was. All along, she’d planned on telling Wyatt about his father, but not until he was much older. Not until he was old enough to understand.

And yet, it appeared that his father was now going to be in their lives whether she wanted him to be or not.

One thing she’d learned about Blake in that one night was that he could be stubborn. And she feared she was about to experience his refusal to walk away.


Blake had been burning up his cell phone last night and again this morning. Already his sister-in-law was filing paperwork claiming that he was Wyatt’s father. She’d promised not to tell his oldest brother for forty-eight hours. Long enough for him to return to Oakdale.

Because this had been a one-night stand, he knew his brothers were not going to be happy with him. If it had been Cody, they would have expected this to happen, but not with Blake.

Things happened and after holding Wyatt last night, he’d never known he could feel so much for a child of his.

Also, his sister-in-law was going to redo his will. She’d texted him this morning and told him that the college fund was all set up. And she was working on paperwork for a monthly stipend for Wyatt’s child support.

They had argued over him not requiring a DNA test; he had laughed when she insisted. Finally, he agreed that he would do the DNA test if his brothers required it. And since she would be at the meeting when he told them all about Wyatt, they would see a photo of the baby and know that this child was a Landry.

No doubts.

This morning, he’d sent flowers to Cristina, telling her thank you for having his child. Maybe it was a little weird, but he was going to do his best to work his way into her heart.

For the next few weeks, he was going to remember what all his exes had told him and he was going to try to be a better partner. Somehow he wanted to convince her to have a relationship with him.

The night they spent together had been wonderful and fun and he’d been so attracted to her and yet he’d run. And because of his wealth and the fact he’d run the next morning, she’d refused to tell him about Wyatt.

Women could often be vindictive. He knew. Taylor had slashed his tires, scratched his truck, and done her best to ruin his reputation. Instead, her actions had pushed him to a bar and there he’d met Cristina.

Oh, how he hoped that today would go well.

Funny that she’d said something to him that his mother had always advised. Marry for love, not money.

That was great if there wasn’t a child involved. And yet his parents had a very loving relationship. Until a tornado devastated them all.

With a sigh, he pulled into the parking lot of Cristina’s apartment and glanced around. The place didn’t look any better in the daylight. The car salesman was right behind him, driving the brand-new SUV. He told Blake that women, especially mothers, liked to have an SUV because of the room.

He’d even had the salesman put the car title in her name. All he’d done was pay for the vehicle. No loan installments.

There was a parking space right in front of her apartment and he rolled down the window of his truck and pointed to the spot.

This was going to be so great. She was going to love that he’d bought her a car. After he’d seen the car she was driving, he’d flashed his phone light last night on the tires and was shocked she didn’t have a flat.

Parking his truck, he ran across the parking lot. The salesman grinned at him and handed him the keys. “Good luck, Blake. Let me know when to finalize the paperwork.”

He smiled at him and shook his hand. This was going to be so great. She was going to love how he would make her life easier.
