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A car pulled in and picked up the salesman and off they went.

An older woman pulled back the curtains and frowned at him. He waved to her. Good grief, he had to get Cristina and his son out of this apartment complex. It was not the nicest.

After hurrying up the stairs, he knocked on her door.

When she answered, she looked tired and she was holding a very fussy baby.

“Blake,” she said.

“What’s wrong with Wyatt?”

“I think he’s teething. I gave him some baby aspirin and he seems to be doing better. My mother told me to get something at the drugstore that numbs his gums.”

Blake rubbed the baby’s back as he clung to his mother. This was not going well for his surprise.

“Well, why don’t we drive over to the drugstore in the new car I bought you,” he said grinning.

“What?” Her eyes widened, but it was not the happy kind of look they were giving him, but rather a frustrated, you’ve got to be kidding me gaze.

He grinned. “You need a new car, so I bought you one. Think of it as a new mother present.”

For a moment, she gazed at him, stunned.

“Hell no,” she said. “You’re not going to come in here and start spending your money on me. You hate women who take your money and my car is just fine.”

No, it really wasn’t. It looked like it had been her car that she went to college in. Not an adult car.

“This is different,” he said calmly, hoping to convince her. No other woman had ever refused his gifts before. Of course, the mother of his child had to be different from the other women who had gladly accepted his presents.

“And sending me flowers and buying me a car is not going to convince me to let you have my son,” she said and he could see she was growing angry.

The door downstairs opened.

“Cristina, is everything okay?”

“Sorry, Mrs. Anderson, Wyatt’s being a little fussy. He’s getting his first tooth,” she said.

Why would the woman think their arguing was about his son’s first tooth?

“Come inside,” Cristina said between gritted teeth.

Blake guided her in and closed the door behind him.

“I think my neighbor is behind the letter,” she said.

That didn’t make any sense.

“We just need to be careful around her,” she continued. “She’s kind of desperate for money.”

“Sit down,” he said.

She sank into the rocker she used to rock Wyatt. “You’re not going to buy me.”

How did he word this to where he could convince her the car was to help keep Wyatt and her safe?

“I’m not trying to buy you. I’m not trying to take Wyatt away from you. But I want you to be safe. You’re the mother of my son. I want Wyatt to be safe. The car you’re driving is not going to last much longer. Since I haven’t paid anything toward the hospital bills, the doctor bills, or his child support, I thought that maybe you would accept this gift from me in exchange for those things. You need reliable transportation.”

Tears welled in her eyes and he could see that she was tempted, but her pride was keeping her from accepting. How would he feel if their roles were reversed?
