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With a sigh, she walked into the living room with the warmed bottle. She tested the formula to make certain it wasn’t too hot or too cold. It was just right. Finally, after six months of doing this, she was beginning to get the hang of being a mother. Though at times, she still felt like an amateur. Every day was a new experience.

Wyatt was cooing at Blake and smiling and this wasn’t getting any easier. The baby raised his hands into the air toward his father.

“Do you want to feed him?” she asked.

Blake’s blue eyes jerked up to her and she could see how excited he was that she was going to trust him.

“Yes,” he said. “I would.”

She handed him a burp rag and the bottle. “Let him have the bottle, and in a few minutes, you’ll need to put him up on your shoulder and burp him. He’s really good and usually doesn’t spit up.”

He put the baby in the crook of his arm and then put the bottle to his lips. Wyatt opened his mouth and immediately started to suck. He’d changed so much from that tiny infant she’d first held in her arms.

The one she’d been so afraid of breaking.

Didn’t he deserve a life where he was safe? Didn’t he deserve to know his father?

With a sigh, she decided to accept the car. She really would be stupid not to, and yet, she didn’t want to become one of Blake’s money-grubbing women.

“I’ll accept the car on one condition,” she said.

A smile spread across his face. “What?”

“As long as you don’t consider me one of your gold-digging women,” she replied. “I want nothing else from you.”

He frowned. “I’ve never thought of you like that. Not like Taylor who would have let me whore her out to get to my money. That’s disgusting. So that part is no problem. But when you say you want nothing else from me, that I’m going to have trouble with.”

What was he trying to get away with now?

“I will be paying you child support every month. It’s my duty and my honor to help pay for my son. I’m not going to be a deadbeat dad.”

How could she argue with that? It just meant he had a conscience.

“All right, but nothing else,” she said.

“Nothing else for you, but I’m working on a college fund for him right now, and I’m changing my will so that my portion of the ranch goes to him and any other children I ever have.”

Well, crap. How could she argue about that? Those things were for Wyatt. And she’d never considered that he might have a stake in the family ranch if something were to happen to Blake.

So far, everything he offered seemed fair.

“Are your brothers going to be all right with that?”

She knew the family owned the ranch and a little of their story, but not much.

“Doesn’t matter. My sister-in-law who is our lawyer has called for a family meeting the day after tomorrow and I’ll be telling them about Wyatt at that time. They need to know about him. He’s family.”

Again, how could she argue? So far, it appeared he was doing everything for her son that was good and proper.

“Do you have a will? Who gets Wyatt if something happens to you?” Blake asked.

“Yes, not long after he was born, I had a will drawn up because of my job. One bad engine could make him an orphan. Right now, he would go to my mother,” she said though she really didn’t want to put that burden on her. “The second person, in case my mother is unable to take him, would be my best friend Lauren.”

A frown crossed his face. “We’ll need to get that changed to me.”

Was that what she wanted? Did she want him to live with his father if something happened to her? She’d have to wait and see. Right now she wasn’t changing a thing.

“I want to make certain that Wyatt knows about his heritage and the ranch that is family-owned.”
