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As soon as the door was closed, she sank to the floor, her legs shaking. That kiss. That damn kiss had awakened emotions she’d forgotten existed. Sitting on the floor, she sighed and shook her head.

She liked Blake. She liked him a lot, and she feared he would only hurt her again. And yet she knew she couldn’t walk away.

Her cell phone rang and she jumped up and went to her purse and pulled it out.

“Mom, Wyatt’s asleep,” she said thinking she hoped he’d slept through the ringing.

“I’m sorry, dear, has Blake left?”

“Yes,” she said thinking she should have known this phone call was coming.

There would be questions about his background, his family, and what type of person he was.

“Do you know who he is?” her mother asked. “I Googled him. He’s one of those rich cowboys that won the lottery.”

Blake was so much more than a rich cowboy. But how did she tell her mother that?

“Yes, Mom, I knew,” she said knowing she would now get the lecture.

“Why in the hell did you not call him when you were struggling to pay the hospital bill? He’s Wyatt’s father. He should be paying for him. Hell, he should be paying you for having his son.”

Her mother was on a rant and she just let her talk. She was tempted to put the cell phone down and walk away, but that would be rude and she often needed her to keep Wyatt.

Finally her mother wound down.

“Are you listening to me?”

“Yes, Mom,” she said. “He bought me a new car.”

“What? He needs to do more than that,” she said.

Good grief, this was why she was afraid to accept too much from Blake.

Cristina wanted to be independent. She wanted to make it on her own and she’d been doing great until she got pregnant. Now she didn’t want to depend on Blake or any other man.

“Mom, he bought me a brand-new car because he didn’t want me and Wyatt to break down on the freeway. Plus, the tires on my car were bald. He’s set up for me to receive money every month for child support. He’s created a college fund for Wyatt and he’s changing his will so his son is included and will inherit his portion of the ranch.”

There was silence on the phone.

“Why didn’t you contact him and ask him to marry you?”

Dear God, was the woman not satisfied with what Blake was doing?

“Because I want a man who loves me and wants me. Remember, I witnessed what happened between you and Dad. Remember, I saw how he treated you and I’m determined that won’t happen to me,” she said.

Her mother was silent and then she sighed. “It didn’t start out that way. We were in love and we were happy and then I got pregnant. But when he couldn’t earn the kind of money he thought we needed, he turned to alcohol. And that was the end.”

“Mom, the night we met, he had a woman who he’d broken things off with because all she was after was his money. Multiple women have tried to get to his money. I don’t want to be one of those women. And that’s why I didn’t call him and tell him I was pregnant. Because I knew he would think I had gotten pregnant so I could get to his money.”

“He seemed like a very nice young man,” her mother said.

“He is,” Cristina said. “But I don’t want him to marry me because of Wyatt. I want someone to marry me because they love me.”

A phew noise came from the phone. “You young kids all hung up on love. Sex fades away and love changes the older you get. I think you should marry him and try to create a family for your son.”

“No,” Cristina said, her mother causing her walls to go up even higher. Her son would not witness his mother and father fighting. When she married, it would be for love.

A big sigh came across the lines. “If you married him, you could spend time painting instead of having that job with the airlines.”
