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“The letter only said child. It did not say baby. What if the kid was several years old? If someone contacted you and said hey, someone is trying to keep a child hidden from you, what would you do?”

They all frowned. He knew exactly what they’d do.

“I’d search the ends of the earth until I found her,” Evan said. “I’m the father. I want to know.”

He grinned. “Exactly.”

Adrian frowned. “Why hadn’t she told you or gotten in touch with you to let you know she was pregnant?”

This was the part he was still uncertain about. And yet she acted like it was true.

“She says she didn’t want me to think she was just after my money. The night we met, I was complaining about how all women just wanted the money, not me. Remember, I had just broken up with Taylor.”

Garth chuckled. “She’s a liar.”

Dakota sucked in his breath. “Sucker.”

Evan just shook his head. “She’s going to make you pay.”

Dakota growled. “Keep your dick in your pants and you wouldn’t have this problem.”

Madison sat next to Adrian and she had to look away; there was a big smile on her face.

“How much have you given her?” Adrian asked.

That was nobody’s business, but he was going to be honest. Maybe he wasn’t looking at this right because his emotions were all involved. All that little boy had to do was look up at him with those brilliant blue eyes and coo and he was ready to hand him his wallet, his checkbook, and all his passwords.

Though he still wasn’t old enough to use them.

“She was driving a piece of junk with bald tires. Since she paid the hospital bills and set up everything she needed, I bought her a new car. No, she was not happy with me and told me she could make it on her own, but I didn’t want my son stuck on a freeway somewhere in a broken-down car.”

He ran his hand through his hair. “I asked Madison here for several reasons. I’ve been using our old attorney, but I’m not certain he has my best interest or Wyatt’s best interest at heart. I’ve set up child support and a college fund, and I’m updating my will. Wyatt will receive my share of the ranch if something were to happen to me.”

Dakota groaned. “You’re getting taken. How do you know he’s even your son? Get the damn DNA test before you do anything, otherwise, you’re going to saddle us with some kid that might not even be yours.”

“Well, I don’t plan on dying anytime soon,” he said glaring at his brother.

“No, but Mom and Dad didn’t plan on leaving us that day either,” Evan said.

That was true. None of them had expected to come home and find their lives destroyed that afternoon.

“No,” Dakota said. “We’re not sharing the ranch with a stranger.”

“I agree,” Garth said.

Adrian pounded the gavel.

“Just a minute,” he said. “If this baby is Blake’s son, then he’s our nephew and we will welcome him into this family. Mom and Dad would not have it any other way. But I think it should be a requirement that you get a DNA test. That way there are no doubts for anyone.”

With a sigh, he knew there would be no getting out of this and that Cristina was not going to be happy. And yet, he couldn’t blame his brothers.

“All right, I’ll get the DNA test,” he said. “But I’m telling you, he’s a Landry.”

The men grinned at him. “You’re the first one to have a baby.”

He smiled. “And dang, but I didn’t expect to feel so much love and protectiveness toward him. He’s so stinking cute. Do you want to see a picture of him?”

For the next five minutes, they passed his phone and all of them sighed. “Yes, he’s a Landry. But let’s just get documentation to prove it.”
