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“No,” he said. “I have a question to ask you. A strange one, but I need to know.”

He’d been her first, and looking at her now, he saw she was beautiful, but they didn’t fit together. Thank goodness he’d come to his senses and broken things off with her hopefully before she got pregnant.

“When we were together, did you get pregnant?”

Her mouth dropped open and she leaned back and started howling with laughter. Maybe it wasn’t her. Maybe he was making a fool of himself by asking.

“What? What would make you think that?” she said with astonishment. “No. Hell no.”

Relief flooded him because he could see she was shocked he would even ask her that question.

“Why are you asking me this a week before my wedding?”

It really was lousy timing, but he didn’t know she was getting married.

With a sigh, he ran his hand through his hair. “Congratulations, I didn’t know you were getting married. I received a letter that could be a prank, but I’m not certain, and I want to be sure. In the letter, it said that someone has a child by me that they’re not telling me about. You don’t know how angry that makes me.”

A grin spread across her face. “I can see that. But rest assured, it’s not me. We were just two kids who were curious about life and sex, and well, we weren’t meant to be together. And if I’d gotten pregnant, you would have known right away. Honestly, do you think my mother would have let you escape your responsibilities?”

A chuckle rumbled up from his chest. “No.”

At least he knew the truth.

With relief, he stared at her. She did look happy. “So you’re getting married.”

“Yes, and I’m extremely happy. John’s the best.”

“I’m happy for you,” he said wishing he could find a woman who wasn’t after his money that made him happy. A woman who loved him, not his cash.

Glancing at him, she leaned back. “So how are you going to find this child?”

Shaking his head, he knew what he was doing was crazy, but he hoped it worked.

“I’m visiting everyone I’ve had sex with that isn’t married, trying to find out if they had my child,” he said. “You were the first one on the list.”

Laughing, she shook her head. “Lucky me.”

He’d always liked Ashley, but they had been too young and weren’t ready for the responsibilities of a committed relationship.

“I have fond memories of the two of us,” he said.

“Me too,” she said reaching out and hugging him. “But we weren’t right for one another. Neither one of us were ready.”

He nodded. “You’re right. I hope you’ll be happy in your marriage.”

A big smile spread across her face and her brown eyes danced. “Thank you. One more week and then we’re man and wife.”

For years, he’d wondered why he’d not found a woman who wanted him for himself.

“Tell me something. Why weren’t we right for one another? I know we were young, but was there anything else?”

With a sigh, she licked her lips. “You broke things off with me first, but I knew we wouldn’t last. Sometimes you were hard to get close to. You were distant. You never expressed your feelings and a woman needs to hear how a man feels about her.”

This wasn’t the first time he’d been told this and yet he didn’t know how to correct the problem. He was not one to go around talking about his feelings. That just wasn’t him.

“Thanks,” he said.

Standing, he considered this conversation over. He’d learned what he needed to know.
