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“Madison, my soon-to-be sister-in-law, is friends with Desiree Burnett and the artist is married to her cousin.”

How could she go meet her? She hadn’t painted since before Wyatt was born. When you’re nine months pregnant, art doesn’t seem to flow out of you, and she would only use watercolors for fear that the paints would not be good for her or the baby.

Languishing in the corner sat Lauren’s birthday present.

With a sigh, she shook her head. “I’m a wannabe painter. I haven’t painted in months because of being pregnant, and then after Wyatt was born, I haven’t had the time.”

A grin spread across his face.

“I don’t feel like a real artist,” she said with a sigh. “She doesn’t want to meet me.”

“You don’t know that,” he said. “You two might have a lot in common. She’s pregnant with her first child.”

It would be so great to become friends with another painter. Even someone who was much better than her.

“Why don’t I take care of Wyatt this afternoon while you get reacquainted with your art?” he said softly. “Afterwards, we’ll take the baby and go to dinner?”

She hadn’t had any real time to herself in months. The baby would be right here, so it wasn’t like Blake was going to take him anywhere. And it would give them some bonding time, because no matter what, she knew Blake was going to be in his life.

“Really?” she said gazing at him in surprise. “You’d do that for me?”

“Yes,” he said. “I’ll even change his diaper.”

She laughed. He had yet to change his first diaper, though Wyatt had definitely initiated him.

Warmth filled her and she gazed at Blake, tears filling her eyes. He was going to let her do what she loved.

“Yes,” she said grinning. “And thank you.”

A smile filled his face. “Are we on for next weekend?”

The thought of meeting Hannah filled her with excitement. And maybe it was time that Wyatt met his uncles.

And she’d get away from the apartment for a while. The stupid reporters would not be there taking creepy pictures.

“Yes,” she said. “It would be good for both of us. But I want to take my car.”

He nodded.

This way her car wouldn’t be at the apartment and also she could come home if it became too much.


Blake had not liked the fact that she’d insisted on separately driving her new car to the Kissing Oaks Ranch, but she agreed to come out to the ranch and that pleased him so much.

He’d been very slow in his seduction of her, but tonight, he hoped to take things a little further. As far as she wanted to go, but he hoped this weekend would help show her that he wanted to be her husband and Wyatt’s father.

“Look at those two,” Jacob Burnett said. “As soon as Cristina told Hannah she was an artist, it was like they became fast friends.”

“And the fact that Cristina has had a child and your sweet wife is due when?”

Jacob grinned. “Three months from now. I can’t wait.”

Blake was trying not to be jealous. Jacob was there to watch his wife’s belly grow with their child. He’d missed all of that and the childbirth.

“Desiree told me that you just learned about your son, Wyatt,” he said. “That must have been hard.”

In some ways, he had to push his anger down that he’d missed Cristina’s pregnancy and the first six months of his son’s life.
