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“You’re right, he’s a Landry,” Evan said. “He reminds me of Momma.”

There was silence for a moment as the thought of their parents and how thrilled they would be by Wyatt. Of how last night’s storm reminded them of their loss.

“Momma would have loved to hold her first grandchild,” Adrian said. Then he took Cristina by the arm. “Come and meet the rest of the crew.”

Blake watched as he took her around to meet everyone, a sense of pride filling him. She seemed to fit right in with his family and everyone adored Wyatt.

As soon as the food was ready, they sat to eat and the feeling of family overwhelmed him as he thought of last night’s storm. Everyone was here thanks to his brother insisting that each house have either a safe room or a storm cellar. He’d not given them any choice.

“A toast,” his brother Cody said, rising from his chair. “To little Wyatt carrying the Landry name into the next generation and to Cristina. Thank you.”

They all raised their glasses, and even though it was just sweet iced tea, they toasted to Cristina and Wyatt. His heart filled with warmth. This weekend had been tough, but oh, so very special with Cristina comforting him during that storm. She would comfort him through all the storms of life. And he would do his best to be the best husband he could be.

“You two getting married?” Dakota asked, grinning.

“No,” Cristina said and his heart did a little flip flop.

“Time will tell,” Blake said, winking at his brothers and then looking at the woman he loved. That he wanted her by his side every day of the week was an understatement.

Cody stood. “Love you guys, but I’ve got to go to work. We have a championship to win this year.”

“No way,” Garth teased. “You guys are a bunch of losers.”

“Watch your mouth, young man, that’s your brother you’re referring to,” Adrian said.

“Okay, but you need to get transferred to a new team.”

Cody hurried toward his car and then he turned. “Cristina, you’d fit right in with this crazy family. Give my nephew a big kiss from his uncle Cody.”

She smiled and shook her head.

They all waved good-bye.

Blake noticed when Adrian stood and walked away from the group. Something was going on that security was letting him know about.

“All right, let her through,” he said and disconnected the call.

“Blake, take a hike with me,” he said.

Blake got up from the table and watched as Cristina took a sleeping Wyatt and put him in his carrier. They should be getting on the road. It was getting late. He wanted her at home in the apartment before dark.

They walked away from the group and he glanced at his brother.

“Taylor is coming down the drive. She insisted on seeing you.”

Crap, just what he didn’t need with Cristina right here.

“What are you going to do?”

He had to make certain Cristina realized there was nothing between them. That Taylor was in the past.

“I’m going to talk to her, but first, I’m going to warn Cristina,” he said.

He walked over to Cristina. “Walk with me.”

She stood and they strolled away from everyone.

“Adrian just told me that Taylor is on her way here. She’s going to be pulling up any moment and she has something to show me. There is nothing between us.”
