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On the drive back, she’d thought about how they had made love in the safe room and they’d used no protection. None.

And yet, she wasn’t worried about being pregnant again, but rather her emotions regarding Blake. If they continued much longer, her heart would be involved. Hell, it was already involved. It was like her hormones had gone into overdrive. Just the smell of him was enough to make her heart race.

Every time he walked into the room, her body turned to him and a slow heat began to burn. Every time he touched her, she craved more. Every time she looked at Wyatt, she saw Blake.

She had it bad and she was frightened of what happened next.

His brothers had seen their parents in Wyatt, but she saw Blake. And she couldn’t fault him for the way he was taking care of her and Wyatt. The man was doing everything possible to make certain he paid for his son and helped her.

She liked what he was doing. And meeting Hannah Burnett had been so exciting. To think there was another woman like herself who struggled with painting and art and was just down the road from his ranch. She’d really liked her. They shared a lot of the same goals and aspirations.

With a sigh, she sat and tried to watch some television. She needed to take her mind off the man who had made her feel like a complete woman once again. There was an attraction between them that she really enjoyed. This attraction that she couldn’t deny.

Her phone rang and she glanced at the number. “Are you all right?”

“Yes, there was no one here when I got home,” she said. She was not about to tell him about the man she’d considered pushing off the ladder a few days ago.

Someone had taken their photos and put them in the paper without her permission.

“I’m glad,” he said. “Look, I really enjoyed the weekend. I’m just sorry that the weather was not the best.”

She’d seen him at his most vulnerable. “I’m not. That’s what got us into the safe room together. That’s what showed me more of you.”

“You don’t think I’m a big wuss?”

“No,” she said. “Your life was forever changed because of a storm. I’d be terrified of losing someone I care about too.”

There was silence for a moment and she knew he felt embarrassed that he had been so helpless.

“I like that side of you,” she said. In many ways, he was a very kind man.

He chuckled. “I’m sorry that Taylor showed up.”

The woman wasn’t someone she could see him with, but then again, he never had dated Cristina. They’d only slept together.

“Are you certain she didn’t send you the letter?” Cristina asked.

“No, I’m not. But you said you only told your best friend that I was the father. Could they know one another?”

“I don’t think there are any connections between Taylor and Lauren, but I’ll ask.”

She couldn’t see her best friend being close to a woman like that. That just didn’t seem possible.

Just then Wyatt began to cry. He’d been asleep for a couple of hours and it wasn’t like him to wake up like this.

“I better go, Wyatt’s crying,” she said.

“Sleep well,” he told her and she hung up.

Walking into the bedroom, she noticed that the window was open, the curtains blowing in the breeze. A man had Wyatt in his arms and was making his way to the window. She ran at him, kicked him in the leg, and then snatched up a wet diaper she’d left on the table and hit him in the face with it.

It was soaked and his face was dripping in baby pee.

“What the hell,” he said, trying to wipe his face of stinging urine so he could see.

“Get out now. The police are on their way,” she shouted.

She ripped Wyatt from the man’s arms, her heart pounding in her chest. No one was going to take her son.
