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“Look at you,” she said walking to him. Leaning down she kissed him on the cheek, his eyes grew bigger and a smile graced his face. He jumped up and down in the baby jumper so excited to see her.

“Was he good for you?”

“He was the best,” Blake said. “We ran a couple of errands, fought off the reporters, and he’s been changed and had a bottle.”

She glanced at the kitchen. “You fixed dinner?”

“Well, I bought dinner.”

She gave a laugh.

“How was your day?” he asked.

“One unruly passenger, two drunk ones, and a mid-flight medical emergency. Other than that, just a typical day in the life of a stewardess,” she said sighing. “Let me change out of my uniform and then we can eat.”

He laid the folder with the prenup beside her plate.

He’d been busy since he got home and hadn’t had time to read over it. But he wanted her to see that he was trying to resolve the money issue.

When she came back into the main area of the apartment, Wyatt squealed at her and she smiled. “Are you glad to see me?”

“I think he is,” Blake said. “He did all right with me, but he’s most definitely a momma’s boy.”

“For now,” she said.

Sitting down at the table, she glanced at the folder.

“What’s this?”

“Since we met, you know how I’ve felt about women taking advantage of me for my money. And it’s been a problem even between us. So I thought that if I had a prenup agreement with you that maybe that would solve the problem. You would be happy that no one thought of you as a gold digger and I would have proof for the family that the ranch would not be taken by you.”

She took a bite of food. “The problem has not been with me, but rather with you. You think all women are out for your money.”

That was true and he couldn’t deny it.

“You’re right,” he said. “But you’ve acted like you wanted nothing to do with my money.”

With a sigh, she glanced at him. “I didn’t let you know about Wyatt because I feared you had the money for a legal fight and would take him from me. I also didn’t want to have to live by your rules for seeing him. At the time, I had no idea I was also protecting Wyatt from people trying to kidnap him and the media’s need to know about the two of us.”

She had a good point.

“First, Wyatt needs his mother. I would never try to take him from you. Second, as his father, I deserve time with him. So far, that’s not been an issue. Third, I’m frightened for you and him.”

She continued to eat. “I’m scared too. I can’t lose him.”

The would-be kidnapper had not returned, but he feared that was because he was here, protecting them.

“Why do we need a prenup?”

“Because I want to marry you. To create a family together.”

He saw her body tense and her emerald eyes flashed darkening with anger.

“For you, what is marriage?”

“The union of two people,” he said wondering what he’d said wrong, because she was clearly getting upset. “For us, we’d have a ready-made family.”

Yanking open the file folder, she glanced through the prenup. Then she glanced up at him. He could see the way her emerald eyes had darkened and she glared at him.
