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“Really? You expect me to sign this? I’d be crazy,” she said. “I don’t want your damn money. But I’m not going to give up everything to be your wife. Basically, I’d just be living at your place and not have any rights. No, hell, no.”

She took the prenup out and ripped it in two. Then she took a deep breath.

“A prenup is standard in our family. It’s a requirement,” he said, wishing he’d read the damn thing.

She put the torn pieces of paper back in the folder and shook it at him. “This is standard in your world? All your brothers’ wives are expected to sign this? Then thank God I’ll never be a part of your world. Get out. We’re done.”


Shock filled him. What was in that paperwork that had just pushed her over the edge?

“If you want visitation rights with Wyatt, then have your attorney reach out to me. But I’ll never accept an agreement like this. I never wanted your money, I only wanted you.”

Standing from the table, she picked up Wyatt and walked into the bedroom and slammed the door.

He didn’t want to leave. He wanted to stay here and protect her and Wyatt, but she wanted him gone. Now.

Grabbing the folder that she’d left on the table, he walked out the door. Thank goodness the van was gone. Maybe he should spend the night in his truck?

No, he needed to read this agreement and talk to his brothers. What was in here that had made her so angry? What the hell had he done wrong?


All Cristina wanted was love. Not his damn money. And last night, he hadn’t said one word about love. Nothing. All he’d been concerned about was her taking his precious cash and she wanted none of it.

Yes, she knew he loved Wyatt, but she would never marry a man who didn’t love her. He’d not said that word even after they’d made love in the safe room. Obviously, he didn’t feel it for her and just thought she’d marry him for his cash.

Not happening. If there wasn’t love, she would not say I do.

She’d lay awake most of the night, fear keeping her eyes from closing. Her makeshift alarm was still on the window, but she feared someone coming in another window or even the door. And Blake was not there to protect them.

She slept with her cell phone in her hand ready to call 911 if she needed to. Thank goodness, she awoke at dawn.

She got up and prepared Wyatt to go to the daycare center and herself to go to work. When she opened the door, lights flashed in her face.

“What the hell?”

“Miss Howard, is that child Blake Landry’s?”

“Get out of my way,” she said and pushed her way down the stairs.

Wyatt started to cry and she wanted to punch the nearest reporter for upsetting her son. She was exhausted, she was depressed, and she was tired of this bullshit with the reporters.

But she feared if she talked to them, they would only double and triple.

Once she was in the new car, she pulled out of the parking lot. When she reached the daycare, she saw the reporters waiting.

With a sigh, she called the headmistress and asked her if there was a back entrance.

“No, Miss Howard. We think you should find someplace else to leave your son. We don’t want the publicity and it’s making the other parents very nervous.”

“So you’re kicking my child out of daycare?”

“Well, that’s not the way we would put it, but yes, we no longer want to keep him,” the woman told her.

Could this day get any worse? Yes, because she knew the airlines would not be happy when she had to call in and ask for a personal day so late.

“All right, thank you,” she said and disconnected the call.
