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The baby was a girl. Brittany had said he wasn’t the father, but was she lying? And yet, she was right. If she’d had his child it would be closer to three or maybe even four years old.

With a sigh, she motioned him to sit.

For the next five minutes, he told her about the letter he’d received.

“I’m sorry, if we had a child, it would have to be several years old,” he said.

She shook her head and laughed at him. “Let me assure you we did not have a child together. This is my daughter with my boyfriend Jones. You and I would’ve never had children together, because, well, Blake, you were a great friend but a terrible boyfriend.”

If one more person said that to him, he was going to explode. What made him such a bad boyfriend?

“You’re not the first to tell me that. But what no one tells me is what can I do to make myself better? I’m not one to talk about my feelings and emotions.”

She leaned forward. “No, but you need to make your girlfriend or your wife feel like you hear them. Talk to them and share information about private feelings, fears, concerns, and show affection. Give your girlfriend or wife a positive feeling. Say I agree and yes. Express gratitude.”

Stunned, he sat back on her couch. Didn’t he do those things? How did Brittany know so much about this?

“I’m sorry. I’m a licensed counselor and I tell people this all the time in my counseling sessions.”

He stared at her. She always said she was going into counseling, but he didn’t know she’d made it.

“Congratulations on becoming a counselor. I’m glad you said something. My last three girlfriends have mentioned this, and well, I thought I was doing all that stuff already.”

She smiled at him and kissed the top of her child’s head. “I’m sorry to hear that you have a child you can’t find. Motherhood has been stressful and wonderful and I’d do exactly what you’re doing if I thought there was a child out there that was mine.”

He glanced around her home, liking the southern charm about the place. There was a playpen in the corner where her daughter must spend time.

Obviously, she was happy and the child couldn’t be his. But that meant he’d yet to find the right woman. And he was quickly running out of options.

“I’m sorry I barged in and demanded to know if your daughter was mine. When I heard the baby cry I thought I’d found the one,” he said thinking he was so silly not to realize that the child couldn’t be his.

She giggled and he realized she’d always been such a happy person. He was glad to see her doing so well.

“You’re the third woman I’ve visited, searching for my child. I feel like Prince Charming taking the glass slipper around and asking if it fits. Only I’m asking did you have my child?”

Laughter filled the room as she giggled. “No, after we broke up, I finished college and then went on to get my master’s. I’m working on my PhD and hope to finish in the next year. Then I will be Doctor Smith.”

“Impressive,” he said knowing that they never would have been a good fit, and he was glad she was not his baby momma.

She pushed her long blonde hair out of the way as her baby tried to grab it. “She’s starting to reach for things. It’s so interesting to see her changing and growing right before our eyes. I hope you find your child very soon.”

“Me too,” he said. “I’m glad to see you’re happy.”

“I am,” she replied. “How about you? Are you doing well?”

He had never told his college friends or girlfriends about his family being worth billions and how they’d won the Powerball right before they lost their family ranch. It just didn’t seem like it was something they needed to know.

“I’m doing great. No wife or even consistent girlfriend,” he said. “And I’m running out of women to contact about having my child. This may have been a hoax and someone is sitting back, watching me run around and look crazy.”

And when he found them, they were going to regret making him look like a fool.

She smiled. “But now, maybe you know why and you can do better with the next woman.”

And he wanted to do better. No, he wasn’t a perfect man, but he was a good person and he wanted a family. That was why he was pursuing this so hard. No one was going to have his child and not let him know.

Standing, he could see she was ready for him to leave.

“Thank you for seeing me today. Thank you for calming me down and even giving some suggestions about why I keep losing women. That’s hard to hear, but I needed to know. Good luck to you.”
