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A chuckle rumbled through his chest. And yet, part of his mind was screaming warning sirens. He liked being with Madison. He liked the way they were as a couple and there was no pressure with her.

Their waitress took them to a table in the center of the room. Not far from them was Sally Jones–the lady who was always flashing him her long legs and grinning at him. Sometimes he feared she was going to pull a naughty stunt and spread her legs and he would have to quickly turn away.

A smile filled her face until he pulled out Madison’s chair and seated her. Then her eyes narrowed and he feared that if there was a knife at Sally’s table, Madison could be in trouble.

He nodded his head toward Sally and leaned in close to Madison. “Second most ardent admirer is at a table at ten o’clock.”

She leaned up and ran her hand down his face. “Good to know.”

After he was seated, she put her hands on the table and he took her hand in his. “We’re getting really good at this.”

Suddenly her bare foot was running up his leg. His dick swelled at the feel of her foot caressing his muscle. Damn, pretending was even hard when she did things like this.

“She’s watching, so I’m giving her a show,” she said grinning.

He could see that the little minx was enjoying what she was doing to him. And sadly, he liked the feel of her foot through his jeans.

“Darling,” he said leaning in close. “I could get used to this.”

She giggled just as the waitress came to take their order.

While they waited for their food, they held hands and leaned across the table to talk to one another.

“We could be in a movie,” she said. “We’re acting and doing a really good job.”

Only problem was that he was having to remind his dick this was not for real. This was for show. Only. There would be no driving her home later and taking her to bed.

Where had that thought come from?

And she was probably staying with her mother tonight in his home.

“Do you think we could win an Oscar for our performance?” he asked, trying to keep this lighthearted and fun while his breath seemed to die in his throat. Tiny tremors of heat zinged through him and his jeans had grown tight in the groin area.

This was all play. Just like the feelings he was experiencing right now. They had to be fake, because if they were real, he would be in so much trouble.

“Oh no, Norma Jean just joined Sally for dinner,” she said smiling. She released his hand and waved.

“We do know how to draw a crowd,” he said, leaning toward her and kissing her briefly on the lips as he knew they were all staring at them.

She giggled and he loved that sound. It was carefree and fun.

The waitress brought their dinners. “Enjoy,” she said.

They separated and gazed down at the food on their plate. Why was he suddenly not hungry? The only thing he wanted was to feel Madison’s hand in his again.

“Oh, this looks so good,” she said as she dug into the catfish.

It was perfection. The food was delicious, the company was outstanding, and right now, he was miserable in his tight jeans. Why did it feel like tonight something had changed between them? Or was it there all along, and he’d just ignored the way she made him laugh and the ease of their relationship?

With a sigh, he finished his food and leaned back. If they were married, he would take her home and carry her up the stairs to his bed. There he would unwrap her like a gift and explore every inch of her satiny skin. Taste her in every area and have her crying out his name as he took her.

But he was just fantasizing.

“Oh my goodness, that was so good,” she said. “I’m stuffed.”

It was time to take her back to her mother. Back to his house and let her go, because if he held onto her, then he would lose her.

“Are you ready?” he asked.
