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“And some men are just cruel,” he said, doing his best to discourage her from acting like a fool for him.

A grin spread across her face. “Honey, a woman like me can tame a cruel man. When I’m finished with you, you’ll be begging me for more. You’ll be a kitten waiting for me to stroke you.”


What happened to letting the man pursue a woman? Even if he was interested, her actions were turning him off.

Thankfully, the music came to an end. Like a gentleman, he escorted her from the dance floor, his hand on the small of her back as he guided her toward the side.

Spinning around, she faced him.

“I don’t know who you’re seeing but drop her. I’ll make it worth your while. You won’t regret being with me,” she said as she leaned in close to his ear. “My pussy is tight and my tongue is wicked.”

Did the woman really believe that was going to entice him into spending the night with her? If he was going to attend any more balls, he had to do something to keep the vultures at bay. And he really needed to go to these events if he wanted to keep abreast of the ever-changing ranching business and valuable connections.

When they were off the dance floor, she leaned in and pressed her body into his, and he smelled the sweet perfume she wore. His dick hardened and she grinned, knowing what she was doing to him. It was a natural reaction to a beautiful woman, but nothing more.

At the moment, he felt nothing for this woman, except maybe contempt.

“Honey, follow me home and I’ll take care of that for you. Whoever your mystery woman is, she’s not doing her job. That would never be a problem if you were my cowboy.”

This was not how he wanted a woman. Two years ago, he’d given up his dreams of a wife and family. Two years ago, his wife had broken his heart and ended his hopes and dreams of a happy marriage like his parents.

This was not how he’d ever imagined his wife would act. Norma Jean was not the woman he wanted sharing his bed at night or day. Laurie had ruined him from ever finding a happily ever after.

He leaned in close to her. “Darling, you can quit trying so hard. It’s not going to happen.”

A red flush filled her face and her sapphire eyes flashed angrily and she grabbed his bolero and pulled him in close. “No man tells me no.” She reached down and rubbed her hand on his cock, even though they were in a crowded room. “Sooner or later, you’ll say yes. They all do.”

She released him and smiled. “Goodnight, Adrian.”

With a swish of her silk evening gown, she turned on her stilettos and walked away, her hips swaying with an open invitation.

People stood in small groups talking, and hopefully, no one had noticed that she’d done her best to persuade him to spend the night with her.

Standing speechless, he watched as she walked away, telling his cock to stand down. For the next ball, he’d have to do something different. Anything to help him ward off the vipers like Norma Jean.


Madison Benton pushed her long blonde hair away from her face and listened to the real estate agent explain the terms of the lease.

“This space is right on Main Street and you’d have not only foot traffic, but also phone traffic. We only have one attorney in town. You’d be the second. You would be in the center of our small town.”

The time had come to move back to her hometown of Oakdale. At the age of seventy, her mother was beginning to have health problems, though she continued to work. Plus, Madison was tired of living in the overcrowded, sprawling city of Dallas. Yes, she was fortunate that she worked with one of the largest law firms in the state, but she longed for her own practice.

She longed to return to small-town living.

The man droned on and on about the little city of Oakdale, and she’d grown up here. She’d graduated from high school and went to Baylor three hours away. But at the age of twenty-nine, she wanted to be closer to her mother to help if she needed anything.

After her mother had a minor stroke, Madison decided it was time to go home. It hadn’t been a hard decision when she realized the time had come. Her mother nor she had any idea where her father had gone or if he was dead or alive. And frankly, she didn’t care. The two women had done fine on their own.

And now all she needed was ten small clients or one large one for her private practice to make it. And she knew one person who could help her. They’d been friends for years, but she seldom saw him since he’d won the lottery.

Still, maybe he would help her.

“I’ll take it,” she said, knowing it would be at least a month or longer before she could move in and work permanently from this location. First, she had to finish up a big case she was on, then give her notice before she moved back to where she’d grown up.

“Great. Let’s go back to the office and sign the contracts,” the man said with a smile.
