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“We’re just enjoying being together,” Madison told her. “We’re going to wait awhile.”

The woman smiled. “Or you’re going to break up and I’ll have my chance at him again.”

Adrian felt Madison tense beside him. “Oh, Norma Jean, I feel truly sorry for you. Adrian is mine and will be until the end of time.”

The words sank into him, and he realized he wanted to be hers until the end of time. In the two months they’d dated, he’d fallen in love with this saucy woman and he’d even agree to marry her if that would keep her by his side.

“Darlin’, they just pulled the truck up. Be safe gettin' home, Norma Jean,” he said as he helped Madison out the door.

When they were both safely buckled in, he began the treacherous drive. The sleet was really coming down.

He felt the back tires of the truck slide and eased off the gas.

“Whoa,” Madison said.

The sound of ice pellets was loud as they drove through downtown Fort Worth.

“Hopefully, this will stop when we reach the south side of town.”

They were both quiet as he concentrated on driving.

They hit the interstate and traffic came to a dead stop.

“We might have been better to spend the night at the hotel,” Madison said.


After an hour of being in the truck, the traffic began to slowly move. It was past midnight and the sleet had not let up. The ground was turning white. They were going so slow, it would be morning before they arrived at the Kissing Oaks Ranch.

He hit the brakes to stop and the truck slid sideways. He managed to stop before he hit the vehicle in front of him, but he quickly reached a decision.

“Find us a hotel. We’re not going to make it home tonight,” he said. “We’re getting off the highway and out of the weather.”

She sighed and grabbed her phone. “There’s a hotel at the next exit.”

It took them another twenty minutes to reach the exit and he had never been so glad to get off that interstate.

They pulled up in front under the cover and he hurried her inside.

It wasn’t a bad-looking place, but he saw from the number of cars in the front that they were busy. Everyone on the highway was doing the same as them. Seeking shelter from the storm.

“Do you have two rooms,” he asked.

The clerk behind the desk shook his head. “I only have one, but it says there are two queen beds.”

“We’ll take it,” he said, not looking at her.

She didn’t argue with him and he knew she had been just as nervous as he was while sitting on that interstate.

“Good thing you got off the highway,” the clerk told him as Adrian paid for the room. “The interstate is closed about a mile down the road. We’ve been talking to our sister hotel down the way and they have sold out of all their rooms.”

He’d made the right decision.

“Thank you,” he said, turning to Madison. “Why don’t you go on up to the room and I’ll park the truck.”

“All right,” she said and he could see she was nervous.

Quickly, he secured the truck in one of the last spots available.
