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Most of the time they were in bed, trying to keep warm by making love. The heater was not the best, and the freezing temperatures kept the room on the cold side. Plus, they didn’t have any clothes but their evening wear.

On the second day, it occurred to Madison that they had not been using condoms. And in fact, they had no condoms. It was early enough in her cycle that she thought they were safe but it was still a terrifying thought.

This morning, she’d awakened early to the sound of a large diesel engine in the hotel parking lot. Jumping out of bed, she hurried to the window to see a big rig tractor-trailer pulling out. The roads were wet with an icy sheen, but the temperature had warmed overnight, and today, they would be going home day.

Today would be the day that Adrian would want to talk and she wasn’t ready. She couldn’t face either of them saying that it had been fun, but it was over.

Looking at Adrian curled up in bed sleeping, fear cinched her heart. She’d fallen in love with this man, and she couldn’t imagine how they could say good-bye. In fact, she didn’t want to have him drop her off at her apartment and say see you around.

That would cheapen everything about the last two months.

He didn’t want to marry and neither did she and she was not the type of woman who could sleep with a man without her feelings being involved. Glancing about, she found her evening gown and put her clothes on.

Gathering her things, she wondered how she could get out of here without Adrian knowing.

Picking up her coat and her evening purse, she quietly opened the hotel door and hurried out.

Her cell phone was almost dead. But she quickly found the number she was looking for.

“Desiree, how is the weather there?”

“It’s clearing up. How are you?”

“I’m in trouble,” she said tears filling her eyes. “I’m in so much trouble. I’m at a hotel in Burleson. The roads look like they’ve cleared. Would you mind coming to get me?”

She started to cry.

“I’m on my way,” she said. “It will take me about thirty minutes to get there or longer if the roads are still icy.”

“There is a restaurant down the road. I’ll be waiting there,” she said, thinking she could walk there to get away from Adrian.

Right now, she needed some time.

“See you soon,” Desiree said.

“Thank you,” she replied.

As soon as she disconnected the phone, she went to the desk clerk.

“Could I leave a written message for the man in room three twenty-three?”

“Of course,” the woman said, gazing at her like she’d lost her mind.

She looked like a fancy hooker in her evening gown.

The woman handed her a pen and paper and she quickly penned Adrian a note.

I had to get away. We agreed that there would be no commitments between us and every minute I spend with you is making me doubt everything we said. Please don’t try to find me. I’m headed home. Thank you for a wonderful two months. I’m sorry. Madison.

A tear slipped down her cheek. She put the note in an envelope and sealed it. Wrote Adrian’s name on the front and then she handed it back to the clerk.

“Thank you,” she said.

With a sigh, she put on her coat and glanced out at the sidewalks.

“Is it still icy?”

“Yes, in some spots,” the woman said.
