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She told her about how he had been calling her and that he wanted Adrian to give him thousands of dollars. How he put his wife up to calling her and demanding the cash.

With a sigh, her mother shook her head. “I’m sorry, Madison. You were the best thing out of that marriage. And I won’t lie to you and say that marriage is easy, but you are your own person. The mistakes you make in life are yours to make and no one else’s. Don’t shortchange your life because of what happened between me and your father. If I hadn’t married, I would not have you. And you are the best thing in my life.”

Tears spilled down Madison’s cheeks as she stared at her mother. Was she making a mistake not taking a chance with Adrian?

“Adrian is a good man who was hurt deeply by his wife’s infidelity. But between the two of you, I saw something I didn’t see with him and Laurie. He cares deeply about you. And I think you enjoyed him. Is it love? I don’t know. But don’t be afraid of loving someone just because of me and your father.”

Her mother stood and hugged her. “Whatever you decide, you know I’ll support you. Now I’m going to get back to the ranch. I’ve been really tired today and I want to get supper cooked and then rest.”

Madison nodded. “Why are you so tired?”

“Because I’m getting old,” her mother said with a smile.

“Maybe it’s time for you to retire. You could move into town with me and we could get a small house to rent.”

Shaking her head, her mother hugged her. “No, you need to live your life. I’ll be all right. I just need to rest more.”

Madison watched as she walked out the door.

“Talk to you later, love you,” she said.

As her mother closed the door, she thought about what her mother had said. Yes, her father had screwed up their lives, but they had each other, and if her mother hadn’t married her father, then Madison would not be here.

Was she being too hard on herself? The image of Adrian swam before her and she squeezed her eyes shut.

Oh, how she missed hearing his laughter, his voice, the way he treated her. How in two months had they gone from being just acquaintances to being good friends and even lovers?

It was early afternoon and she and Desiree were going to have that steak tonight.

Rushing to get ready, she hurried out the door. After an hour, Madison stepped inside the reception building where her friend waited. The smell of lavender filled the air.

“Eugenia, not here,” Desiree said. “A guest could walk in.”

“Do you think I give a rat’s patatoe about your guests?” the woman said, shimmering in the air. “I need to speak to Madison.”

This was so strange. And she didn’t dare tell anyone about these encounters, because if she did, they would lock her up. She’d be known as the crazy woman lawyer in Oakdale.

“Yes, Eugenia,” she said not really believing she was speaking to a ghost. She looked around the room for a camera, a machine, anything that could put her image into the room.

“You’re being unreasonable,” Eugenia said. “You are not your father.”

“Did you tell her our discussion,” she said glancing at Desiree.

“No, I did not,” she said. “I don’t tell her much because that information can and will be used against you.”

“Desiree, is that any way to speak about your great-grandmother?”

“Yes, ma’am, it’s the truth,” Desiree said.

“Oh hush. Like I was saying, Madison, your parents were never meant to be together. There was someone else your mother should have married. But then you would not have been born. Adrian is a good man. Don’t let fear keep you from finding happiness.”

The essence shimmered in the doorway to Desiree’s office. A ghost was speaking to her, telling her she was acting a fool.

“Thank you, Eugenia,” she said. “I’ll take your words under consideration.”

“Do more than that,” she said. “Go get your man.”

Desiree snickered. “But first, she’s buying me dinner and you need to disappear. Here comes a guest.”
