Page 64 of Ice Cold Player

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I let out a laugh. “Do you really? Because you’re not making use of my talents. I’m not interested in being a glorified secretary. Give me a challenge or find another assistant.”

He tilted his head in assent. “I’ll look through my files.”

With nothing else to discuss, I left. The guys were at practice, so I’d have the house to myself, but I didn’t head homeimmediately. Henry would be fine a little longer, and I needed advice.


The courtyard next to Wildcat had lost the riot of color from the late summer blossoms, but the quiet and stillness seeped into me all the same. I sat on the edge of the fountain and tilted my face up to the sun, closing my eyes to let my thoughts chase each other in circles.

Carl’s offer was tempting from a purely logical standpoint. I wanted to achieve a high-level job with a successful company, and I could have it. All I had to do was trade my principles for introductions. Did the position mean anything if I didn’t earn it?

Did the position mean anything anyway? I was starting to doubt my rock-solid plan for the future, and I didn’t like the feeling of being untethered. Before I could travel any farther down that road, I called Stephen. He answered immediately, and my entire body relaxed.

“Do you have a couple of minutes?”

Stephen set something aside and turned his desk chair so I could see out the high-rise window behind him. “I’ll always make time for you, sweet cheeks. What’s up?”

“You remember the fundraiser my dad is forcing me to attend so he can prove he’s a family man?”

“Yes?” Stephen drew the word out into a question.

“Carl Bennington wants me to take him as my date.”

His eyes widened. “Your professor? Does he still have both balls?”

“Apparently, he’s not interested in me. He wants access to my father’s cronies.” I paused, still a little stunned at the events of the meeting. “Stephen, he offered me a job.”

He sniffed. “About time he did something right.”

I sighed. “No. He offered me a job in exchange for taking him as my date.”

“Oooh,” his lips stayed in an O while he considered, then he tilted his head. “Is it a good job or a low-ball offer?”

I laughed. “A good job. One I’m not actually qualified for.”

Stephen waved the evaluation away. “You’ll grow into it.”

“Thank you for your unwavering support, as misplaced as it is, but I feel uncomfortable with the deal. I recognize that I come from a place of privilege, but I want to earn my spot.”

“What does Gavin have to say about you pimping out your plus one for a work opportunity?”

Guilt skittered down my back and settled in my stomach like a rock. “He doesn’t know.”

“About Carl the creep?”

“About any of it. Well, he knows who Carl is, but I haven’t told him about the senate run or the fundraiser yet. I can’t risk my dad finding out about us.”

For the second time in five minutes, Stephen’s eyes widened. “Girl, what are you doing?”

“He knew about my dad’s deal before he got involved. I told him we’d have to keep any relationship a secret and he agreed.” I leaned forward. “Heagreed.”

Stephen looked at something off the screen for a second, then back at me. “How much does he mean to you? For real. He’s agood guy, and even I’m starting to wonder if you’re just playing with him.”

A shot of hurt made me sit up straight. “Are you on his side now?”

“There shouldn’t be sides, Eva. There should be you and him working together to get through the hard stuff. Does he make you happy?”

“Yes.” No question. Just thinking about Gavin caused a flutter in my chest.
