Page 38 of Bun Sticker

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"It's weird to say, but I'm proud of me too. I've been petrified for a full decade that someone would find out who I am and I'd be ostracized. But the cat’s out of the bag and I'm OK. We're gonna be OK."

"I think we're gonna be more than OK," I say, reaching up to touch his stubbled cheek. "We've got nothing but time now. Time to learn about each other. Time to fall even deeper in love."

He chuckles, his hand reaching up to cradle mine against his cheek. "I reckon we've got a lifetime for all of that."

"A lifetime," I echo, finding that instead of tightening with fear, my chest is tightening with hope. I'm not afraid of committing to this man anymore.

He laughs, his eyes crinkling at the corners. “You don't seem so scared of the idea now.”

“A lot has happened since I arrived here,” I say, tracing the line of his jaw with my thumb. "I know it's barely been a week, but I've changed—you've changed me. I'm not afraid of risking my heart anymore. I trust you to keep it safe, Clark."

He brings my hand to his lips, pressing a kiss to my palm. “I reckon I’ve just been given the most important job in the world. I won't let you down, darlin'.”

My heart feels as though it may burst from my chest, so full of love and warmth that it’s almost overwhelming. I pull my hand from his, not to retreat, but to loop my arms around his neck. "This has been a pretty crazy day," I whisper, laughing a little when it hits me just how far we traveled, not only in miles, but emotionally, too.

"Today has beenwild," he says, tugging me a little closer. "But it's also been kinda perfect."

"You think?"

"I do. There's only one thing that could make this day more perfect." Clark's eyes burn into mine, then he releases me and drops to one knee, pulling a small box from his pocket.

"What are you doing?"

His fingers tremble ever so slightly, betraying the composed demeanor he's trying to maintain. "Mariah. Today, you found out who I truly am, and instead of seeing me as my father's son, you've accepted me as the man I am. You've shown me a kind of love and understanding that I never thought I'd find," he says, opening the box to reveal a simple but beautiful diamond ring that glints under the overhead lights. "I've been thinking about this since that first night in the bar, because as soon as I saw you,I knew it in my heart that you were meant to be mine." His voice trembles slightly as he lifts the box even higher. "Will you marry me?"

For once in my life, I don't hesitate. I don't even take a second to think on it. I simply go with my heart and answer him with a resounding, "Yes!" Tears spring to my eyes. "Of course I'll marry you, Clark. You're the best man I've ever known."

Clark's face lights up brighter than I've ever seen it. He takes my hand tenderly and slips the ring onto my finger, a perfect fit. Then he stands, cupping my face and kissing me so deeply I almost forget to breathe.

When we break apart, breaths mingling, foreheads touching, I whisper, "I love you, Clark. So much."

"Music to my ears, city. I love you too," he murmurs back, kissing me again before picking me up and heading straight for the bedroom to no doubt celebrate this moment with a few less items of clothes on.

And as he lays me down on the mattress and holds himself over me, I've never felt more complete. I came to Cedarwood Valley looking for an escape, a vacation fling. But I found so much more.

I found my future husband and a place to finally call home. And I know this is just the beginning for this city girl and her country boy.


one year later

After a long day working on the ranch, I come home to find Mariah in the kitchen, furiously mixing buttercream while cinnamon scrolls bake in the oven. The scent is heavenly, but I know my wife only bakes like this when she’s feeling anxious. And being nine months pregnant and ready to burst, I can’t blame her.

I come up behind her, circling my arms around her swollen belly. “You tryin’ to feed the whole town, darlin’?” I ask, kissing her neck.

It's hard to believe it's been a year since she first came into my life and turned my world upside down. A year since a fiery city girl walked into a small town bar and stole my heart with nothing more than a smile—and a wayward dart in a rotund buttocks, the guys at the ranch still call her 'bun sticker'.

It's also been almost a year since I slid a ring onto her finger, promising to love her for the rest of my days. I have zero regrets.

Mariah sighs, leaning back into me. “I just want to make sure we're ready for when she comes. We have plenty of meals in the freezer, but I realized we don't have enough snacks."

I chuckle. "Mariah, you could feed an army with all the meals and snacks you've made. I think we'll be more than fine." I place my hand on her belly, feeling the strong kicks of our little girl. "And if we're not, you'll have me to order around. I'll get you anything you need so you can focus all your energy on our Hannah Rose."

"I just want her out of me already.”

Our daughter is due any day now. Mariah waddles around looking like she swallowed a beach ball. Her ankles are swollen, her back constantly aching. But to me, she glows.

“Why don’t you go relax and I’ll finish up in here?” I suggest.
