Page 40 of Bun Sticker

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"It was. You were so dead set against doing anything under the banner of the Calloway name. And now, here you are just a few years later, taking the reins and turning the company into a co-op for family farms. I'm so incredibly proud of the man you've become."

"Still blows my mind some days," Clark admits, taking a sip of wine. "But it feels good to take my great grandfather's legacy and bring it full circle."

Things didn't go quite as smoothly as we'd have liked when Clark's father tried to block him from dismantling the company. He seemed to think he could enjoy his retirement and still backseat drive the decisions his son made for the company. But once Clark took over, he made good on his promise to return ownership of the land to the farmers and give everyone an equal stake.

"Your great-grandfather would be definitely proud of you," I tell him, linking our fingers together. Clark has changed so many lives for the better. Though he still shies away from the spotlight, his quiet strength and conviction to do what's right makes him an inspiring leader. And an even better father and husband.

"You know what I'm most proud of?" Clark asks, his thumb caressing the top of my knuckles. "This life we've built together. You, the're my whole world, Mariah."

"You're my world too," I whisper back, meaning every word. If someone had told me before I decided to vacation in Cedarwood Valley during the shearing season, that it would change the entire trajectory of my life, I wouldn't have believed them. But taking a leap into the unknown with Clark is the best risk I've ever taken. I'd be lying if I didn't say it's been scary at times, but every step we've taken, every obstacle we've faced, has only brought us closer together. He's been the one man in my life who has always kept his promises, and I know without a doubt that he'll never walk away. So I don't need to push anymore.

With Clark, I'm living proof that sometimes, when you stop overthinking and take a chance on love, you just might end up finding your Happily Ever After.
