Page 45 of Reaching Limits

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“Don’t talk to her like that.” I watch his eyes start bulging under the pressure of the metal I’m forcing into his throat.

“Cole,” Savannah pleads, moving forward and touching my shoulder. “Let’s just leave. You were right, okay?”

“Say you're sorry.” I stare the old bastard in his eyes and let him know without doubt that I would take his life.

“I’m… I’m sorry, ma’am,” he chokes and splutters and I watch fear dilate his pupils when I don’t budge.

“Cole, come on.” Savannah tugs at my shirt. “Just take me home.”

“Who do you look after this place for?” I ignore her and raise the rifle shaft into his throat a little higher. “My girl came here for answers, not to be disrespected. So you better start talkin’ or I will shove this barrel down your throat and make sure,Sorry, Ma’am, were the last words you ever spoke.”

“I don’t know.” The old man shakes his head firmly.

“Bullshit.” I go to raise my fist but Savannah grabs it.

“Cole, no. Please.” Her eyes are closed like she’s scared and I immediately drop my arm, cocking the barrel to release the cartridges before I toss them and the rifle in different directions.

“I mean it, I don’t know.” The old man leans over and tries to get his breath back. “The kid sees to the place now, he was the one that took over and saw through the renovation work, and I figure he’s the one who puts the cash in my bank account every month too.”

“Kid?” I stare at him, confused.

“Yeah, late teens, early twenties. Arrogant little fucker too.”

I turn around and stare at Savannah in shock.

“I ain’t seen him for a long while. I’m here because that cash still gets deposited into my account on the first of every month.”

“Come on, Savannah.” I grab her hand and drag her toward the truck because I know exactly where we need to head to be gettin’ the answers we need.

“Slow down.” She pulls me back. “He’s talkin’ about Noah, isn’t he? Why wouldn’t he have told us about this place?” Savannah looks worried.

“I don’t know.” I shake my head, not liking some of the reasons that my mind is makin’ up right now.

“Has anyone else visited here, anyone at all,” I ask.

“That mayor used to visit here a hell of a lot back before the place got renovated. He’d bring his little mistress with him too.”

“What did you just say?” I charge back toward him and lift him up by his shirt, slamming him back into the door again.

“He paid me well not to tell the kid he came here,” he admits.

“The girl he brought here. What did she look like?” I torture myself a little by asking.

“Pretty girl, she was. Young enough to be his daughter, turns out she was that girl who threw herself off Blackdrop Point. I recognized her when I saw her picture in the paper.” Suddenly my hands feel too weak to hold him and I drop him, taking a step back. Bile sticks to the back of my throat when I think about Walker bringing my sister out here.

“Come on, Cole, we need to get out of here.” Savannah grabs me and starts dragging me toward the truck. “Sorry I couldn’t have been more helpful,” the old fucker calls after us with a smirk on his face as Savannah ushers me into the passenger seat and takes the wheel.

She must sense that my rage won’t be overcome by my sadness for long because she skids the truck into reverse and drives like a maniac back toward the main road with her hands shaking on the wheel.

I tense my fists and breathe through my nostrils as I absorb everything he just said. More visions of Walker and my sister flashing into my head and making me want to unearth his fucking body and kill him over and over. Savannah says nothing,she just drives and when we eventually pull back into the yard, I grip her thigh before she can open the door.

“Not a word of this to anyone,” I growl. “The address was a dead end, ya hear?”

“Cole. We need to…”

“It was a dead end!” I raise my voice and feel like a cunt for it when I see her look scared again.

“We need to speak to Noah. That’s who the old man was talking about, wasn’t it? They worked for the mayor too, right?”
