Page 69 of Reaching Limits

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“No, she actually said it to my auntie Deirdre, but I like to listen out for things I’m not supposed to. Did you know that theaverage man speaks to at least twenty different women online before he actually moves on to a date with one?”

“I did not know that.” I peek one eye open to look at her and she greets me with a smile that, even I have to admit, is kinda cute.

“So why you going to LA?” she asks, twisting in her chair so she’s facing me better.

“You want the truth?”

The way she nods enthusiastically suggests she wants nothing less.

“I’m heading out there to tell a girl that I love her.” I can’t believe I’m admitting this to a girl who can’t be any older than seven, but she’s distracting me from the fact that I’m 35,000 feet in the air right now so I roll with it.

“That’s sweet. I’m sure she’s gonna be really happy. You're kinda handsome in a brutish way. That’s how Auntie Deirdre likes ‘em.”

“Is it now?” I chuckle because this kid is entertaining if nothing else. “I don’t know if the girl I’m goin’ to see is gonna be as happy to see me as your aunt Deirdre would. Truth is, I’ve hurt her. I pushed her away an awful lot because I was scared of hurting her,” I admit, realizing for the first time how crazy that sounds.

She screws up her nose, trying to figure it out.

“So what changed?” she asks when she’s eventually given up trying to make it make sense.

“I found out she was gonna marry another man.”

“Ahhh, wanting what you can’t have. Just like Mom with my Dad.” She shakes her head sadly.

“I should have never pushed her away. My own damn stubbornness did that. I just hope she’s gonna forgive me. I’m kinda nervous about that too. In fact, talkin’ to ya bout it hasmade me stop worrying about this damn flight,” I confess, and it puts the smile back on her face again.

I talk to the little girl some more. Tell her about Savannah, and how she likes to bake. I tell her how her hair looks when the sun shines through it, and how I could watch the way she laughs at the television for hours without knowing what she was even watching. And when the seatbelt sign flashes back on and the plane starts to decline, I’m grateful that I had her beside me to pass the time.

We hit the ground with a bump, and it ain’t ‘til the pilot hankers the brakes that I realize I’m squeezing the poor girl’s hand instead of the armrest.

“Surprised I didn’t crush ya bones,” I tell her as I release her.

“Mom makes me drink a pint of milk a day.” She winks, and as the woman we’re talkin’ about stirs from her sleep, she takes off her headphones.

“Mom, this is Cole. He’s flown out here to tell Savannah he loves her.” She introduces us, and I lean over the girl to shake her hand.

“Oh… I’m sorry, she can be a chatterbox.” She blushes as she takes it.

“No apology needed, ma’am. She actually really helped me.”

I stand up and stretch my legs as everyone starts reaching for their bags. I came with nothing since I was in such a rush to get here, so all I gotta do is wait for everyone to get off this damn thing.

“Well, it was a pleasure.” I hold my hand out to the girl this time. “You’re gonna make a great therapist one day,” I assure her.

“I hope you get your girl.” She slides something onto my wrist before she shakes my hand firmer than most men I’ve encountered.

“What’s this?” I laugh as I examine the colorful, beaded bracelet that's now sittin’ on my wrist.

“It’s for good luck. My Nanny made it for me when I took my first flight because I was scared. I don’t need it anymore, and you can use it for the flight home. Hopefully with Savannah too.” She flashes a big toothy grin.

“I appreciate that.” I shake my head in surprise because this girl really has it together.

“What’s your name, kid?” I ask.

“Evie, Evie Lauren Parker,” she states proudly.

“Well I want you to have something too.” I look around me before I reach into my back pocket and take the snake rattle I turned into a keychain for my truck keys and take it off ‘em.

“That right there is a real snake rattle, I kept it after the fuc… I kept it after it tried to strike me.” I look to her mom and nod my head in apology for my foul mouth.
