Page 32 of Sinner's Mercy

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There was so much we still needed to discuss, but I knew in time we would talk about everything.

Caleb was, if anything, a patient man.

Reaching for the small bottle of pain pills Bane prescribed for me, I popped the cap before shaking a pill into my hand. Placing it on my tongue, I reached for the small glass of water and took a drink.

Sighing, I snuggled back under the covers, tired and ready to sleep. Rolling onto my side, I tried not to let the last three years of deception overwhelm me. It was bad enough that I left, I didn’t need to wallow in something I had no control over.

Closing my eyes, I drifted between reality and unconsciousness when I heard the bedroom door open, then lightly close.

Smirking, I whispered, “You don’t have to be quiet on my account, Caleb. I’m not asleep yet.”

He never replied, not that I thought he would.

Since I returned, he’s barely spoken to me at all. Leaving him to what he needed to do, I took a deep breath and let it out, when suddenly he grabbed my arms, roughly turning me onto my back, making me cry out.

“What the hell, Ca—” I gasped when I felt the sting of a man’s hand across my face as he leered at me. The impact was so strong that it forcibly expelled the air from my lungs, leaving me gasping.

With a sudden and determined action, he forcefully yanked on my hair, causing me to experience intense pain. He then proceeded to lift my head sharply and strike me with a powerful punch to the face, only to follow it up by tightly gripping my neck with his hands while he choked me.

I used every ounce of strength I had, resorting to clawing and scratching at him, attempting to free myself from his grasp. The more I struggled, the more he tightened his hold, making it even harder for me to break free. The very instant he relinquished his grip on my throat, I instinctively rolled to my side in a rapid motion, my body convulsing whilst I desperately tried to draw air into my oxygen-deprived lungs. Alas, it became apparent that he had no intention of ceasing his actions against me when he grabbed my hair again, yanking me from the bed. I kicked and screamed, trying desperately to fight him off.

As soon as my body made contact with the floor, he promptly let go of my hair, delivering a swift kick to my ribs.

The man gave no quarter.

He was here to kill me.

Scrambling away from him, I made it a few steps before he grabbed my foot, pulling me back towards him. Turning, I didn’t think. With my other foot, I kicked out, hitting him in the knee.

He grunted, then stepping back, he growled.

“I’m going to fucking gut you.”

Scooting further back, I watched the man walk purposefully towards me, reaching for my shirt, barely lifting me off the floor before rearing back and letting his fist fly towards my face. Holding onto me, he kept hitting and kicking me, until I felt no more pain.

Laying limply in his arms, he threw me on the floor in a heap. Unable to move, I barely saw him through my swollen eyes when he reached into his jacket for a gun while his other hand produced a silencer. Smiling as he screwed the metal cylinder on the barrel of his gun, sneering. “My boss sends his regards.”

Pointing his gun at me, thoughts of Caleb and our daughter filtered into my head when the bedroom door burst open and gunfire rang out. The man standing over me shook like he was being electrocuted. Then, as fast as it all happened, the man fell to his knees, before slowly falling to the side, dead.

“Holy FUCK!” I heard Caleb shout as he dropped next to me, pulling me into his arms. Moaning, I tried to tell him I was okay, but nothing came out. I hurt everywhere. My back was no longer my primary concern. I was finding it hard to breathe. “BANE! Someone get Bane!”

“Get this piece of shit out of here. I want him stripped and searched. I want to know who he is and who he works for within the fucking hour!” Montana roared angrily.

The last thing I heard was Storm saying, “Shit. Bane got called to the hospital!”

I woke sometime later to Caleb arguing with Montana.

“I don’t give a flying fuck what you say. It wasn’t your fucking wife laying on the floor damn near beaten to death. Just fix it!”

“Mercy,” a familiar woman’s voice said. “Honey, you need to calm down. Largo is going to be fine. Minus a few cracked ribs, the rest of her injuries are bruises that will heal in time.”

“That’s just it, Tessa, this should have never happened. She was supposed to be safe in the clubhouse. That fucker walked right in and the prospect let him. I want him gone. He’s useless!”

“Mercy, Pippen was only following the rules. We never told him Largo’s visitors needed to be screened.”

“This is bullshit. Some fucknut waltzes right into our club, walks up the damn stairs straight for my wife. How the fuck did he know which room to look in? Then the fucker beats her and tries to kill her and you’re telling me nobody knows anything!”

“Shame is working on it. Pippen has even offered to help. They will find something.”
