Page 47 of Sinner's Mercy

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“Mr. Davenport, my name is Katherine Cross.”

Frowning, I pointed to a chair. “Take a seat Katherine.”

“Thank you for seeing me.”

“What can I do for you?”

“I was wondering if you would know how I could get in contact with your wife.”

“You know my wife?”

“Not personally, sir. I know her brother Landon. I haven’t heard from him in weeks, and well, I’m worried about him.”

“How do you know Landon?”

“Landon and I are in the same graduate program at NYU. We’re both studying Business Management. Landon has missed several classes lately and he’s not been answering his phone.”

“Maybe he dropped out.”

Katie shook her head. “No, sir. He wouldn’t do that. That program was all Landon talked about. He wouldn’t just quit.”

“You seem to know a lot about him. You two dating?”

“We’re married.”

Leaning forward, I glared. “What do you mean, married?”

“Landon and I have been married a little over a year,” the young woman said, producing a marriage certificate and sliding it across the table. “We didn’t want to tell anyone until after graduation. We both got internships at Calloway Investments and are supposed to be starting directly after graduation. Landon wouldn’t just walk away from that.”

Taking a good look at it, I stiffened as Montana shifted in his seat, hearing about the company they would work for. Calloway investments was owned and operated by Storm. While I found that fact interesting, it paled when I read the name on the certificate... Landon Romano. Not Finn.

What the fuck was going on here?

Sliding the document towards Montana, I asked, “That document says Landon Romano. Not Finn.”

“Finn?” Katie’s head snapped up. “Landon’s last name is Romano.”

“Boss,” Malice growled, stepping away from the wall, pointing to his watch.

Montana held up his hand, stopping our brother as I asked, “How did you know where to find me?”

The young woman looked down at her hands and whispered, “Landon told me. And before you ask, he also made me promise to never tell anyone. I know who you are, Mr. Davenport, and I don’t care. All I want is to know where my husband is. Can you please help me find him?”

“Katie,” Montana spoke up. “When was the last time you saw Landon?”

“We were supposed to meet up at our favorite diner on 62ndstreet. Only he never showed.”

“How did you know to meet him there?”

“He sent me a text.”

“Do you still have that text?”

Katie nodded, sliding her cell phone towards me. Picking it up, I quickly glanced at the last several text messages from Landon. In them were a few pictures of my brother-in-law with the young woman. So, I could only assume that she knew him, though until Fury could verify the marriage certificate, their marriage was still debatable.

“Do you mind if I forward these to my phone?”

“No, sir.” The young woman shook her head. “Mr. Davenport, please. Can you tell me anything?”
