Page 6 of Sinner's Mercy

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“We’re divorced, remember? I don’t have to tell you anything. Besides, it doesn’t matter anymore. Just go back to your club and your brothers, Caleb. I don’t need you here,” I said all too roughly, watching as his eyes churned with waves of anger.

God, I was being a bitch.

I knew it wasn’t his fault.

I was projecting my sorrow and anger on him. He didn’t deserve that. I wanted to tell him I was sorry when I saw a flash of sorrow in his eyes before he looked away into the darkness surrounding us and quietly walked away.

I didn’t blame him.

I would walk away from me too. He probably thought I was just a crazy woman who attacked him in front of a hospital. Watching his retreating form, I saw his arm was in a sling. A powerful part of me wanted to run after him and ask if he was okay. Was he also in the accident that had injured his friend? He hadn’t said.

God, I felt like a fool.

Chapter Two


“Every storm runs out of rain, just like every dark night turns into day.” ~ Gary Allan

I needed to get myself together and fast. I couldn’t do what needed to be done if I was worrying about him. Looking around me, I spotted a bench and sat down. I needed a few minutes to gather myself before I went back in there. My night wasn’t over, not by a long shot. Before I could head back to my small apartment, I had to do one more thing. I knew I couldn’t stay out here forever. I was putting off the inevitable.

Standing, I took a fortifying breath and headed back inside to complete my last task.

I sat next to him, holding his hands. I listened to the soft tones of the heart monitor while it marked the passing seconds, minutes, and hours of what little time I had left with him. He looked so small laying in the bed. I thought it strange, considering he towered over me. He was my best friend from birth, my twin soul, my confidant, my partner in crime. There wasn’t a memory I had that didn’t have him in it. He was always there for me, encouraging me, loving me, making my life hell.

Lifting his hand from the bedside, I cupped his warm hand, pressing his palm and fingers to my cheek. I closed my eyes and prayed for a miracle. He couldn’t leave me too. Not him. I needed him to snap out of it and return to the world of the living.Deep down, I knew I was asking for the unattainable, but he was my brother.

The other half of me.

The only one I had left.

He couldn’t leave me in this world all alone, not when I needed his strength.

Tears rolled down my cheeks as a sob broke free. “Please, Landon. Don’t make me beg.”

From the moment we were born, he was a part of me. Our mother always told me that even from birth, Landon refused to be separated from me, almost like he knew, even then, his role was to protect me from the big, wicked world.

And protect me he did.

From playground bullies to boyfriends who broke my heart, my brother had always been there for me.

His handsome face was relaxed, he was in a deep sleep. I wanted so much to shake him awake and tell him we were going on another one of our many adventures. That everything was just a bad dream and that we could weather any storm as long as we were together. I couldn’t imagine my life without him in it. There wasn’t a day that passed that we didn’t talk. Knowing he was out in the world living his best life gave me the courage to succeed in mine. He’d been my biggest supporter when our parents hadn’t believed in me. He was the one who convinced our parents that I could do anything I put my mind to.

I didn’t know how I was going to survive without him.

The second hand on the clock ticked away, stealing the precious seconds and minutes I had left with him. I tried not to look, but I couldn’t stop myself. Before I sat next to him, I signed all the papers. I didn’t want any interruptions. All I asked for was one hour.

One more hour to sit with him.

To talk to him.

To be with him.

He was my brother. The only man I loved more than Caleb. A scream was building deep within me, scratching its way to the surface. I wanted to shout at everyone to do something.

To make him better.

To fix what the monster broke.
