Page 69 of Sinner's Mercy

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“There’s no shame in liking both sexes. I’ve always found Tessa to be rather alluring.”

Montana sputtered but said no words.

I could imagine his puce face as he tried to picture his wife with another woman. If the fucker had half a brain, he would keep his thoughts to himself. Largo was only riling him up. Using her brother’s sexuality to throw the fucker off balance.

“Did you make a pass at my wife?!”

Rolling my eyes, I shook my head.

I fucking knew he wouldn’t let it go.

Pushing off the wall, I opened his office door and walked in. “You keep egging him on, Largo, and you’re going to give him a coronary.”

“Well, he started it.”

Montana slammed his hands down on his desk and snarled, “Did you make a pass at my wife?”

My beautiful aggravating wife smiled sweetly, leaned close, and whispered, “Got a problem with your wife kissing a woman, Montana?”

Montana stiffened, gulped, then roared before storming out of his office. “TESSA STONE!”

Laughing, Largo sat in the chair he had just vacated, leaned back, and placed her feet on a pile of folders yet to be opened. “God, he is still gullible.”

Sitting on the couch, I sighed. “He’s going to get you back for that. You know that, right?”

“Whatever,” she said, dropping her feet to the floor, facing me. “I want to know what’s happening with that woman and my brother. Are you going to tell me or do I get to annoy all the board members?”

Taking a deep breath, I replied, “I’ll tell you what I know.”

Chapter Twenty-One


Only he didn’t.

Instead, Caleb escorted me to the boardroom where his brothers did the talking. The whole time, Caleb sat in his chair looking at his phone like he’d rather be anywhere else but here. The man couldn’t even spare me a glance or two, and when the board said all they were going to say, Caleb was the first person out of the room.

What information I did get from the club was just more of the same shit I already knew, sprinkled with some outlandish story that my brother married a woman he met in college. To which I called bullshit. But when Fury slid a marriage certificate over to me, I didn’t know what to believe anymore.

The mystery surrounding my family was becoming too much.

Was I a Finn? A Winters? A Romano?

No one fucking knew anything.

The individual designated to assist the club in resolving this mess was unfortunately unable to do as requested because Cynic hospitalized him and two other brothers. While the Romanos were forthcoming with information, they were all in the dark, just like I was until the DNA results came back. Then there was Fury’s grandfather, Armando Guillermo, who was now insisting on meeting Montana and demanding to see me. Which made no sense.

By the time I left the clubhouse, I had more questions than answers and all I wanted to do was go home and rest before Sophia got out of school.

“Do you need a lift?”

Whipping around, Caleb pushed off the wall, snuffing out a cigarette. The man rarely smoked, so it was kind of a shock to see him doing it.

“Thought you quit.”

“Picked up the habit again three years ago.”

Looking around the compound, I didn’t know what to do or say to the man. Since my return, his moods had been all over the map. I didn’t know what to expect from him.
