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“Then you don’t know my sisters.” She leaned in and kissed his cheek. “Thank you for making us a love nest.”

He pulled her into his arms. “I have fond memories of this hayloft. It’s where I first got a glimpse of the real Cloe.”

She drew back. “A rambling drunk?”

He gently pushed her glasses back up on her nose before he kissed the tip. “A woman who cares so much for her family she didn’t want them to know how much she was hurting. I don’t want you to do that with me, Cloe. If you’re upset about something, I want to know it. Now tell me what’s wrong. You have been acting a little strange all day. Are you worried about the ranch? Or is it something else? Come on, Lucky. You can tell me anything.”

She hesitated for only a second. “I’m pregnant.” Before he could get over his shock, she burst out in tears.

His heart took flight with joy and, at the same time, felt like it would break from seeing her so upset. Not knowing what to do, he pulled her into his arms and held her tight. “Oh, Cloe, don’t cry. I thought you wanted kids.”

She shook her head against his chest and spoke with heart-wrenching sobs. “No—it’s not—that. It’s just—the opposite. I’ve always wanted kids and to find a man who would love me, but I thought I wasn’t going to get it all.” She hiccupped. “But here I am, the least likely Holiday sister to get everything—and I got everything!”

Relief filled him and he drew back and cupped her face in his hands, his thumbs brushing away her tears. “You deserve everything, Cloe. You’ve always put your family first. It’s time that you were first. But I know exactly what you mean. I thought I didn’t deserve everything either. But I guess it’s not about what you deserve. It’s about what you open yourself up to. I’m sure glad I opened my heart to you, Clover Fields Holiday. A baby?” The joy he felt had him releasing a whoop as he lifted her off her feet and swung her around.

She laughed. “So I guess you’re happy with the news. And it’s not Clover Fields Holiday anymore. It’s Clover Fields Remington from now on, thank you very much.”

A smile broke over his face as he set her on her feet. “Damn straight it is. Of course I’m happy about the baby.” He placed his hand on her stomach. “I want this child and I want as many children as you want to give me.”

Her dimples flashed. “How about six?”

He answered her smile. “That’s always seemed like the perfect number to me. My daddy is going to be over the moon. But you should have told me sooner.”

“I wasn’t sure until this morning when I took the pregnancy test that Mimi gave me.”


Cloe nodded. “She told me a week ago that I was pregnant. I thought it was just her wishful thinking, but I humored her anyway. It turns out, she was right.”

Rome laughed. “Of course she was. The woman is rarely wrong. Which makes me wonder if she won’t figure out a way to keep the ranch.”

“You might be right. Especially when Liberty has decided she’s coming home to take on Corbin Whitlock and Oleander Investments. I’m pretty sure all hell is about to break loose.”

Since Rome had lost his own temper with the owner of Oleander Investments, he couldn’t say anything about Liberty losing hers. But when Cloe yawned widely, he put aside all thoughts of losing the Holiday Ranch and led her over to the sultan’s bed.

Once he made sure she was comfortable, he took off his Stetson and tuxedo jacket and joined her, spooning around her just like he’d done only months before. Only this time, his hand rested on her stomach.

“A baby.” He kissed the top of her head. “And to think that it all started right here.”

She cuddled closer, her bottom pushing into his lap and making him instantly hard. “That morning I woke up in your arms, my body knew I was exactly where I was supposed to be. I’ve never felt so content.”

“I felt the same way.”

“No, you didn’t. You had a major hard-on.”

“Only after I realized my hand was tucked so sweetly between your boobs.” He slipped his hand over one abundant breast and gently squeezed.

She giggled. “You’re shameless.”

“You want to see how shameless we can be?” he whispered in her ear as he lifted the hem of her dress.

Much later, when they were both sated, he glanced out the open hayloft door. The sun had set and twilight turned the sky to a hazy midnight blue. One star twinkled on the horizon. “So should we make a wish?” he asked.

“There’s no need.” Her smile when she looked up at him was as brilliant as the star. “From now on, just call me Lucky.”

