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Alexa was on edge. Not about seeing Victoria—she was beyond excited to do that, and already strangely comfortable with her, given that they’d only been on one date.

No, she was on edge because she was unbearably horny. She knew she shouldn’t have opened her mental box of fantasies about Victoria so soon before she had to leave for the art gallery, but she hadn’t been able to help herself.

She’d been wondering what Victoria would wear, and whether she’d get to strip it off her later. Well, one thing led to another, and Alexa found herself once more touching herself to the thought of Victoria.

Unfortunately, this time didn’t go nearly as well as the previous ones had, since she’d only had a few minutes before she had to go.

Alexa had toyed with the idea of finishing herself off and being a little late for their date, but she decided that it would be disrespectful to be late when she had any kind of choice about it.

She was questioning that choice now, but it was too late. She was already on the gallery steps. She spotted Victoria at once, who stuck out in the crowd, the picture of lust incarnate.

She was dressed more casually this time, in a pair of skinny jeans and a red and white striped sweater. Her hair was done differently, sleeker and less wavy. But it was her smile that truly caught Alexa’s breath. Victoria wasn’t wearing lipstick this time, but the natural color of her lips was even better.

Alexa wanted to kiss her again, but she figured it would probably make a bad impression if she grabbed Victoria and plundered her mouth without even saying hello—at least in this stage of the relationship.

“Hi.” She stepped up to Victoria and held her arms out. “Do you hug?”


Victoria smelled of lavender, and the hug lingered on for several more seconds than was usual for a simple greeting. They pulled apart, enough so that they could see each other’s faces, but Victoria kept her arms around Alexa’s waist.

Alexa grinned up at her. Victoria was half a head taller than her—the perfect height to rest her chin on Alexa’s shoulder as they were hugging. “It’s good to see you. A week is a long time.”

“Too long. I’ve taken a look at my schedule. If you’re open to it, I think I can make space on a Tuesday or Wednesday night, so that we don’t have to go long between seeing each other.”

Alexa briefly thought about all the scheduling hoops she’d have to jump through to make such a change, but she didn’t need to consider it long before deciding that it would be worth it. She was sure that Victoria was jumping through similar hoops to make it work on her end, and Alexa appreciated the effort.

“I’d love that. Tuesdays would work better for me, if you can make it work.”

“Tuesdays it is, then.”

“I was thinking that we could pick up that animal shelter idea; are you still interested? There’s a shelter I know that has a nursery for the youngest kittens and puppies. They need to be fed every few hours, so it’s an overnight job. Obviously we wouldn’t have to stay the whole night, but they’re always looking for volunteers to pick up shifts. We’d be in a good position to help, as people with kids are often home right after work and can only volunteer after the kids are in bed. We could take that in-between slot.”

“You’ve put a lot of thought into this—I like it. Let’s do it.” Victoria finally stepped out of Alexa’s arms, but held out her hand in invitation, which Alexa immediately took. She forced herself to look at the steps she was about to ascend rather than stare at Victoria’s perfect face and risk a broken ankle. “Let’s go see some art.”

The gallery had a number of surprisingly good works of art, given how small it was.

There were people wandering about, commenting on the paintings and sculptures, and some haggling over prices for those that were for sale.

Alexa was particularly taken with a small painting, only the size of about two hands side by side. It looked a lot bigger than it was, due to its bright colors and complexity. It was a somewhat abstract jungle scene, with bright shapes that resembled animals, vines and other plants everywhere. It was so vivid that it drew Alexa in like a moth to the flame.

She was broken out of her trance by Victoria’s voice. “Is this one for sale?”

One of the museum assistants appeared out of nowhere. “Yes ma’am. It’s a very valuable piece from an up-and-coming artist. In a year, it would probably have tripled its value.”

“No need to sell it to me. I’ll take it.”

“Oh,” Alexa said softly. “I wanted to buy that.”

Victoria glanced at her briefly before turning back to the assistant. “How much?”

Alexa frowned. The least Victoria could have done would be to have a short discussion about who got to buy the painting.

The transaction was quick; Victoria didn’t haggle the price at all. She took the painting off the wall and held it out to Alexa. “For you, my dear.”

“What? I thought you wanted it.”
